President Bush and Prime Minister Blair at Hillsborough Castle . Credits : © Nick Danziger
educational activities within the ‘ Cinema , Human Rights and Advocacy ’ summerschool and free workshops I am running , I see young people who are extremely motivated . And the writing and photography workshop I organise every year in Monaco confirms what I have just said supporting all other plans .
: Are you still influenced by your childhood heroes and models ?
ND : I hope there is still a part of Tintin in me . I am still full of hope despite the difficulty when one acts as a drop in the ocean . Someone , somewhere , may be inspired by me to do something in primary schools , in colleges or at the lycée here in Monaco . Hopefully , I will be remembered in the future as that ‘ old guy ’ with photographs . For me it is very important to go to schools and talk about how people of their age live elsewhere in the world .
: What do you think about the influence of emerging Social Media like TikTok , and Instagram on the new generation ?
ND : I have run a little charity visiting countries where human rights are an issue .
On that occasion , I taught children how to make short-videos so they learned about shooting on a Smartphone , editing and uploading . Some cultures such as in the Philippines are very quick . In some other countries it is more complicated . The difference between a professional photographer and young people is that the former takes an image that will remain for a long time , it is a permanent prompt to “ imagine ”. Other images are just transient , they don ’ t last because they don ’ t have the depth , they don ’ t have the emotion . On Instagram , many photos show a beautiful and bright world but don ’ t correspond to the truth . It is dangerous to convey to young people in the Western World the idea that you can easily become a Youtuber thinking to be the best . That is upsetting to me and it proves how the world is upside down . On the contrary , the people who need to escape the situation through images and film are just the ones I visited in Nigeria , in the Philippines or in Afghanistan . If I ask the same question in those countries , pupils will answer differently , wishing to become a doctor or a nurse or a teacher or a politician . And they are even willing to risk their lives to help their people from an early age . Our ‘ heroes ’, instead , are those who earn millions of euros and have nothing to say .
1982 году , получив стипендию фонда Winston Churchill Memorial Fellowship , Ник Данцигер отправился в свое первое длительное путешествие — из Турции в Китай . Ему приходилось пользоваться всеми возможными видами транспорта , включая самый незамысловатый и доступный — собственные ноги . Сборник отснятых по пути фотографий под названием « Путешествия Данцигера » увидел свет в 1987 году и стал первым бестселлером Ника .
В 1993 году выходит вторая его книга , « Приключения Данцигера ». Еще больший интерес вызвала третья — « Британия Данцигера » ( 1996 ), содержательный рассказ о социальной и политической жизни Велико британии . И наконец , не меньшей сенсацией стали « Британцы », вышедшие в 2001 году . Фотоальбом был удостоен награды The British Book Design & Production Awards 2002 как лучшее чернобелое иллюстрированное издание , а газета The Sunday Times назвала его одной из лучших книг года .
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