The 12th Monaco Historic Grand Prix rolled around the Principality from the 23 rd until the 25 th April 2021 , under the accomplished organization of the Automobile Club de Monaco ( ACM ). Opening a cracking GP Season , this year ’ s edition left a mark for the amazing involvement of the participants and the stunning bolides they drive , incredibly preserved in perfect condition . Being able to participate live after such a lengthy time when events were held behind closed doors was something unique as well . After the roaring success of the 2018 competition , more than 90 drivers from different nationalities gathered in Monaco to be ready at the start line . The former very popular F1 French Champion Jean Alesi and the former F1 champion René Arnoux showcasing the same Ferrari model as Alesi , having been both invited to this edition , were honoured by the visit at the Quai Antoine 1 er paddock by H . S . H . Prince Albert II of Monaco on Saturday the 24 th in the presence of Michael Boeri , president of ACM , and Christian Tornatore , General Commissioner . Particularly appreciated was the performance of the German female driver , Katarina Kyvalova , achieving 4 th position in her category behind the wheel of a fantastic Cooper-Jaguar T33 , dating back to 1954 , showing that motor sport is not only the prerogative
of men . Seven different categories devoted to iconic champions of the past paraded on the track , measuring 3 km 337 m up to the Monte-Carlo Casino and return . A total of nineteen turns were featured including the most popular La Rascasse , Saint Devota and Fairmont hairpins . Louis Chiron well represented the pre-War mood ( 1926 – 1937 ) when only the 1.5 litre engines of the ‘ voiturettes ’ ( small cars ) dominated as in first editions of the Monaco Grand Prix .
Jean Alesi driving a Niki Lauda ’ s Ferrari 312B3 – 1974 ( Grand Prix Historique , 25 th April 2021 ).
A Series Awarding Ceremony ( Grand Prix Historique , 25 th April 2021 ).
© 2021 ACM / Olivier Caenen
© 2021 ACM
Hello Monaco Summer — Autumn 2021 / 15 www . hellomonaco . com