Hello Monaco #12 Summer–Autumn 2021 | Page 125

obvious , but potentially more dangerous long-term cellular damage . UVA rays penetrate much deeper and have the potential to cause a lot more damage in terms of both skin aging and serious forms of skin cancer . Paradoxically , the higher the SPF the less protection against dangerous UVA rays .
These sunscreens make us feel safe because we don ’ t see any obvious signs of sun damage . The result is that we ’ re more likely to stay in the sun longer and absorb more harmful UVA rays .
To make things worse , many sunscreens contain potentially toxic chemicals such as oxybenzone — a hormone disruptor that can cause skin allergies and titanium dioxide — a substance that is considered ‘ safe ’ when applied to skin , but carcinogenic when inhaled — so be extra careful with those sprays . Some sunscreens also contain retinol and other forms of vitamin A that are linked to skin cancer by increasing the rate at which malignant cells develop and spread .
Smart tips
Sunscreens are an essential part of summer and I ’ m certainly not suggesting we avoid them . Just follow a few sensible tips :
l Don ’ t buy anything over SPF 30 . Apply frequently and limit exposure .
l To make sure you ’ re getting adequate protection from UVA rays as well as UVB , look for sun screens labelled “ broad spectrum ”.
l Use lotions instead of sprays .
l Ask your pharmacist about non-toxic brands .
Internal Sunscreens
Sunburn is a type of inflammation , so a large part of natural skin protection is sticking to an anti-inflammatory diet . Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables is always a good idea , regardless of which ones you choose , but there are some that are better in preventing sun damage .
SPF 50 is the obvious choice for many , especially those with children .
Tomatoes and other red fruit : Tomatoes are one of the best sources of lycopene — an antioxidant that increases your sun tolerance , especially when cooked . All red fruits contain lycopene , but especially grapefruit , watermelon and grapes .
Broccoli and leafy greens : Greens are great for preventing and even repairing sun damage . As well as beta-carotene , most greens contain high levels of folic acid , vitamin A , C and E . Broccoli , and especially sprouts , are a good source of sulforaphane , a compound that reduces the risk of skin cancer .
Tea : Black , white and green teas are all high in polyphenols and catechins , two flavonoids that can protect your skin from UV rays . Green tea is the most effective , containing high amounts of the most powerful polyphenol there is , epigallocatechin – 3 – gallate ( EGCG ). Matcha , a very bright , powdered green tea , is even better !
Almonds : A rich source of vitamin E ; studies have found that people who eat a handful of almonds a day had less sunburn when exposed to UV light than those who don ’ t . Almonds also contain a high level of quercetin , a flavonoid known to protect skin against UV damage . Plain , raw almonds are the healthiest way to go , but if they ’ re not your cup of tea , you can eat the roasted and spiced versions instead . You can also try replacing your peanut butter with
almond butter , or using almond milk in smoothies and oatmeal .
Fish : Cold-water fish like salmon , herring , sardines , mackerel and anchovies are high in omega-3 fatty acids that protect against sun damage . Try to include these fish in your diet at least three times a week . Plant-based sources of these healthy fats include chia seeds , flaxseeds and walnuts . A fish oil supplement works well too .
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l Keep your magnifying glasses on hand and use them to identify toxins in those otherwise impossible to read ingredient lists .
l Remember that a tan is not a sign of a healthy body , but a sign that cancercausing ultraviolet rays have damaged skin . Cover up !
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