Hello Monaco #11 Spring 2021 | Page 135

POOR RICH KIDS to it . Swedish high schools even have their own ‘ anti-bullying teams ’, ready to help out first to ninth graders bullied by their classmates . Special manuals are written for both adults and children , helping them recognize bullying from a mere conflict and proceed in a certain way in case you become its victim or witness .
We absolutely need to stick to our child , send him a clear message of strength supporting him whatever it takes and backing him up in this difficult moment in his life . Discuss a strategy to take , how to respond , preserving his dignity and self-esteem . Teach your child some useful ‘ tricks ’: ‘ pretend that mockery has no effect on you , go about your own business ignoring the offender ; avoid being on your own in places where you may get to be bullied ’. Explain to your child that anyone , even an adult , would struggle to cope with this challenging situation . Bullying is a mass phenomenon , he may not be the only one . By no means should he develop a feeling of guilt , a loser complex or low self-esteem for later on in life .
Bullying is often associated with a concept of ‘ victimity ’ — a predisposition to being a victim . This kind of label immediately relieves the other parties of all responsibility : why stand up to it , if it is ‘ meant to be ’? Fighting against bullying is vital however . The best way to protect your child is relating to him , reading his mood and state of mind , encouraging him not to give in to provocations and defending him ‘ self ’. We are the ones to handle this most trying situation . We should be his reference , not his peers .
In this context , you can only rely on an adult . If other parents , teachers or school administration are turning a blind eye to it , however , changing schools could be the only solution .
Bullying can happen in any community , no one is immune to it .
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ANTI-BULLYING So is it worth standing up to it ? Absolutely so !
First of all , we have made the problem known . Sometimes all it takes is changing people ’ s outlook on the situation .
Secondly , we demonstrated to our child that we are not afraid and are looking for a way out together . This means he can rely on us , trust us , share his problems and experiences .
And last but not least , even if you change schools , your child will turn out a more mature , experienced , well prepared , alert person , ready to stand up for himself in this kind of a negative scenario .
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