Hello Monaco #11 Spring 2021 | Page 112

© Musée d ’ Anthropologie Préhistorique de Monaco
© Musée d ’ Anthropologie Préhistorique de Monaco
Current team of the Museum of Prehistoric Anthropology of Monaco at the Prince ’ s Cave , maintenance of the site – Balzi Rossi , Italy
© Musée d ’ Anthropologie Préhistorique de Monaco
Current team of the Museum of Prehistoric Anthropology of Monaco at the Prince ’ s Cave , maintenance of the site — Balzi Rossi , Italy

The valuable research work strongly desired by the Grimaldis allowed us to discover the pioneers of modern humankind . Balzi Rossi is one of the few locations of Cro-Magnon , an ancestral hominid of Homo Sapiens , widely settled in Europe , Russia , Asia , North Africa and North America in the Upper Palaeolithic period . Since 1872 , Émile Rivière , expert in pre-history and doctor , had made a series of sensational discoveries . The ‘ Lady of Caviglione ’, originally called ‘ The Man of Menton ’, identifies what is left of a woman of high stature in an unusual pose , wearing a headgear of shells and deer teeth . The skeletons of a couple of children were then found in the homonymous grotto , laying on their backs and adorned with some marine shells . In 1892 , finally , the local entrepreneur Giuseppe Abbo , while excavating several metres below the original level of the Great ‘ Barma ’, found the most amazing Triple Burial , currently on display at Balzi Rossi Prehistoric Museum . It is , in fact , a rare example of a communal tomb , dating back 25,000 years , made of three skeletons , an adult and two teenagers laying besides a rich funeral kit including seashells , blades of flint and deer teeth . Detailed DNA studies revealed they all belong to the same family .

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