Hello Monaco #11 Spring 2021 | Page 103

© Olga Chereshneva
© Olga Chereshneva
Robert Stevenson was really impressed by his visit to Monaco-Ville . Avenue de Boulingrin next to the legendary Monte-Carlo Casino

In 1863 the health of 13-year-old Robert was weak , already at this age he was all skin and bones . He was the only child in the family of Thomas Stevenson , an engineer and beacon specialist .

From an early age , Robert ’ s lungs failed him , and all his doctors were united in their advice : the family should go to a country with a suitable climate . A friend suggested they should go to the south of France , to Menton . Thus began the story of the unbreakable bond between Robert and the French Riviera .
This trip became a source of inspiration for the future writer : the train journey from Paris to Marseille , then the carriage to get to Cannes . The boy was fascinated by the new place , the scenery , the mild climate and the atmosphere of the seaside cities . The family also visited Nice , staying at the hotel Chauvin . Then began their journey to Menton , where the Stevensons arrived in February and remained there until May . Young Robert decided for himself that he would certainly visit this place again .
‘ I cannot write , in any sense of the word ; but I am as happy as can be …’

In 1873 23-year-old Robert kept his word and returned to the south of France . Over the past years , the young man had studied law in Edinburgh and fell in love with Fanny Sitwell . This mother and wife was 12 years older than Robert and was going through a divorce . She introduced Robert to Sydney Colvin , a professor at Cambridge who would later join Robert in the south of France .

The two young men went to Menton , where they stayed in the hotel Mirabeau . In his letter to his father Robert writes :
‘ In this hotel , I have a room on the first floor ! Luxury , however , is not altogether regardless of expense . We only pay 13 francs per day <…> We were very nearly homeless , the night we came ’.
In their free time , the young men explored the region . ‘ All the people here are so sweet , kind and smart , that when I think that I will never see them again , I get an unpleasant feeling ...’ — Robert shares .
© Olga Chereshneva © Olga Chereshneva
Young Stevenson was fascinated by the new place , the scenery , the mild climate and the atmosphere of the seaside cities such as Nice .
Hello Monaco Spring 2021 / 101 www . hellomonaco . com