Hello Monaco #10 Winter 2020–2021 | Page 35

© Martine Ackermann
Martine in a nun outfit , ( country , Vatican ) Martine in Pippi Langstrumpf , ( country , Sweden )
© Martine Ackermann
Martine in traditional folklorique Polish outfit , ( country , Poland )
© Martine Ackermann
HelloMonaco : You grew up in Nice . Can you tell us about your childhood , parents and family ?
HM : How many kids are enrolled at the school ?
Martine Ackermann : Yes , they have a bakery , teashop and chocolaterie . When I was a student , I worked with them to earn money . I helped them every weekend and during holidays . I admire my parents because they gave the items that were not sold to the people outside every day . I was young and I didn ’ t understand in the beginning that they were poor people , but my mother explained it to me . Every day , they gave food to the poor and I was in admiration of my parents for that . I understood and my parents taught me that we have to help others , especially those who have nothing to eat .
HM : You learned at a young age that you need to help poor people . What made you decide to help people in India ?
MA : In the school we built there are 110 girls . And in Jaïpur , we help 25 street children , we give them education .
HM : There is a big difference in attitude concerning education for girls versus boys in India because some people there believe it ’ s more important to educate boys . What do the parents think now ?
MA : They are very happy regarding the school . It was a request from the parents in the village to have a school inside the village for the
Martine in carnival outfit , ( country , Brazil )
© Martine Ackermann
MA : The first time I was there was 25 years ago with my husband and I was really shocked by what I saw . I saw very poor children on the street , mutilated children , who were asking for money and food . I saw very sad scenes . I was not prepared for that . I heard a lot about India , but nice stories , luxury hotels , nice ceremonies , nice food , nice colours , but I didn ’ t hear about that side of India . And I was really shocked . It was 25 years ago but I still remember it like it was yesterday . We left the country and I thought I would never go back to this country , I was sickened . A few years later , I thought that I shouldn ’ t only focus on the negative experience , which is why I went back to India to do something instead of keeping my sadness inside . I did something for the poor people , for the children . So from the bad experience I had , I turned it into a good experience because I built a school and I help children .
Edition 2019 , 6th Ladies Rally Vintage Cars by Child CARE Monaco Flowers theme – picture at Place du Casino , Monte-Carlo
© Andra Stylezza
Hello Monaco Winter 2020 – 2021 / 33 www . hellomonaco . com