Hello Monaco #10 Winter 2020–2021 | Page 130

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questions are asked and no strings attached to the unquestioning loyalty in exchange . Grown-ups make these kind of arrangements deliberately . It is a certain psychological contract . Like any business , everything has its price . Similarly , a child , is invited to have a similar relationship with his parents — however nowadays is the exchange also honoured in the same way ? You live in a perfect world . In return , you are expected to show love , obedience and follow our rules .
Eventually the child starts to believe : the more he is given , the more he is loved . If his dad shows up with no chocolate or toy , this means « he doesn ’ t love me today ». If one of his grandmas gives him five toys , and the other one — three , she loves him less .
Successful people traditionally have busy lives . Time is money , and sometimes they really struggle to find a spare minute for their
children . They comfort themselves with the idea that they really are working on their childrens ’ very future , happiness and wellbeing . Buying their love thus serves as a surrogate for real emotions and feelings .
The guiltier they feel , the more they « buy themselves out of having enough time to spend with their children ». An unfulfilled parental debt and its compensation are accumulating over the years . Toys , expensive shoes and later on jewellery , fancy cars , million-dollar parties .
Material rewards and money leave no room for healthy communication . No common topics of conversation , no space for a play , walk or reading a book . At best , an outing would be arranged — restaurants , theatres , cinemas or shopping . But this is not about real communication . Our attention is not focused on each other , but on a show , a film , a Michelin Star dish or whatever else there is .
Our life revolves around children ; we ’ d do anything to get their love . And yet , they feel lonely and abandoned . Oblivious
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128 / Hello Monaco Winter 2020 – 2021 www . hellomonaco . com