Hello Monaco #10 Winter 2020–2021 | Page 124



FOR IN-HOME TRAINING https :// ru . freepik . com / photos / woman ’> Woman

Our spring lockdown has not only led to the creation of some new home recipes , but also has given us a few extra pounds to lose ... With most fitness and wellness centres all closed down , we took instead to thoroughly equipping our home gyms and signed-up for some favourite Zoom sports . Just about any improvised means were good for our sports practice . We were using water bottles as dumbbells , performing squats with pets on our lap and doing yoga headstands against a wall . Eventually we did realize that fitness clubs closing was not a death sentence to our biceps and triceps . Mobile applications are there to show us a compre hensive way of losing these extra pounds . We can do our splits perfectly and perform fancy asanas in a comfortable home environment . The selection is vast enough for anyone to find the right routine . Fitness trackers , calorizators and training programs have hugely progressed during our selfisolation , even sometimes completely replacing a personal trainer and a nutritionist . Compared to Zoom streaming sessions , they have some obvious benefits . Your mobile app doesn ’ t care what you are wearing or where you are doing your training , for example . It easily tracks your personal progress , selects the right load in terms of height , weight and training experience , sets up reminders , calculates energy output and manages your calorie counters . Hello Monaco is introducing you here to five free fitness apps that will keep you busy , promising you a much coveted six-pack !
122 / Hello Monaco Winter 2020 – 2021 www . hellomonaco . com