Hello Monaco #09 Spring–Summer 2020 | Page 104

MONACO NEIGHBOURHOOD Church of San Martino © www.facebook.com/PrincSeborga Lit-up, basking in its unique history, Seborga’s charm permeates its surroundings. are ancient instruments, a few of which are still fully functional, ranging from the mid- 1700s to the present day. And what other Italian village can you go to which has its own coins, luigini that can be spent in the town, its own stamps beloved by philatelists and even car plates and ceremonial border patrols… Rich in local culture and tradition, there is nothing like the warmth of rural festivals — and Seborga’s has the spice of pomp to add to its religious legacy of which San Bernardo takes pride of place. DELICIOUS PASTA AND WINE And your day out would not be complete without authentic Ligurian cuisine surrounded by the warm and generous-hearted Italian (whoops Seborgan) welcome and superb wines. In this ancient venue of Knights Templar try the simply delicious stuffed ravioli in a walnut cream sauce and roast rabbit served by two delightfully friendly sisters at Osteria del Coniglio. This is wild game country and you will find goat or wild boar on the menu in season. All for a price that may surprise you that there are still places in the world that provide very good value for your luigini — or euro if you prefer. For an absolutely breath-taking view, if you like to spend a little more, try the princely Ristorante Marcellino’s with panoramic views over the coast and mountains; signature fish and meat and of course, delicious pasta and wine, and yet more wonderful wine. PRINCES AND CONSTITU- TIONAL CRISES © www.principatodiseborga.com Church of Saint Bernard After the death of Giorgio I in 2009 Seborgans elected a new ruler — His Serene Highness Marcello I Menegatto (yes — princes in Seborga are elected every seven years). In 2019 he announced his intention to abdicate, and a few months later in 2019 his ex-wife Nina, a Minister of Foreign Affairs, was elected as Principessa, the first woman at the head of the Principality. La Sua Tremendità Nina is going to attract more tourists to her village — «to make Sebor ga bloom again». THE PRINCIPALITY OF SEBORGA DOES EXIST AND IS INDEED QUITE CLOSE TO MONACO. Constitutions come with constitutional crises! In 2006 princess Yasmine von Hohenstaufen Anjou Plantagenet of Savoy claimed to be the rightful heir to the throne of Seborga. But Seborgans stayed faithful to their spiritual leader Giorgio Carbone. And even more perhaps tongue in cheek, an attempted coup by a French pretender called Nicolas Mutte who pronounced himself as the new Prince of the Principality. Marcello I had to defend his title in court. All hilarious theatrics that add to the many reasons to sample the charms of this delightful, Palazzo dei Monaci beautiful rural village whose population deem themselves independent. RUS ВЫЙТИ ИЗ СУМРАКА © www.principatodiseborga.com Удивительно, но принадлежность Себорги какому-либо государству не зафиксирована ни в одном официальном документе, начиная с XVIII века, в том числе в акте о создании Королевства Италии от 17 марта 1861 года. Этот исторический факт так и остался бы незамеченным для государствоведов, если бы в 1963 году местный житель Джорджио Карбоне, торговец мимозами и любитель истории родного края, не обратил на него внимание всего мира. Опираясь на собственные исследования, Джорджио посчитал себя вправе провозгласить Себоргу независимым государством, получил горячую поддержку односельчан и вскоре был избран первым князем, титул которого звучал весьма претенциозно — Sua Tremendità (Его Громадейшество). В 1994 году Джорджио I сам написал слова © turismoseborga.com 102 / Hello Monaco Spring–Summer 2020 www.hellomonaco.com