Hello Monaco #08 Winter 2019–2020 HM 2019 #08_web | Page 52

EXCLUSIVE HM: What qualities did she pass on to you? When making an important deci- sion as a Head of State, do you sometimes wonder what the Princess would have done on such an occasion? Prince Albert: Yes I do. I also think of my fa- ther and wonder what he would have done in respect to certain delicate matters. As to my mother, most importantly she passed on the necessity of not just listening to people with my mind, but with my heart as well. Trying to understand the context, always seeing both sides of things... In a compli- cated situation, making an effort to listen to both parties. HM: Do you use her methods, if one can speak of a method, in educating your own children? Prince Albert: Of course! She has sur- rounded us with so much affection! I am trying to give as much time as possible to my children, despite my constraints and ob- ligations. I believe that if you surround your children with love, it will help them grow in the most harmonious way. HM: Sorry to be moving to quite a differ- ent subject... A very alarming report on our planet has just been released. You are a very committed supporter of the preservation of our seas and oceans. Do you have any new projects in this field? Prince Albert: We were very pleased to host the 51st meeting of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in Monaco. The Principality, my foundation and other coun- tries that have supported us had specifically requested this report establishing a con- nection between the oceans and climate change. It was highly anticipated and helped in influencing public opinion. HM: There are still people who deny the obvious... Prince Albert: For me it is incomprehensi- ble. 98 % of scientists cannot be wrong! Why would the scientific community hide things from us or falsify the results? We have to lis- ten to the researchers and try to mitigate the effects of climate change as much as pos- sible. We are already getting wake-up calls and it is only going to get worse. So we have to change our ways. HM: Is the Principality taking any meas- ures in this field? Prince Albert: We have been taking action for Grace Kelly on the deck of the family yacht Deo Juvante II, 1956 50 / Hello Monaco Winter 2019–2020 www.hellomonaco.com I believe that if you surround your children with love, it will help them grow in the most harmonious way. Princess Grace of Monaco in the Court of Honour of the Prince's Palace, 1962 We have to listen to the researchers and try to mitigate the effects of climate change as much as possible. a very long time. We have quite ambitious tar- gets for reducing greenhouse emissions. We are aiming at a 50 % reduction by 2030 and hoping to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. We are on the right track, these emissions have already been reduced by about 20 %... HM: You set an example... But some peo- ple would say that it is easier to do in a small state... Prince Albert: All the big cities have the same problems. It's the scale that is dif- ferent. If we can do it, it can be done else- where. HM: Speaking along these lines, you have tried banning the consumption and over- fishing of bluefin tuna in the Principal- ity... Prince Albert: We wanted to put bluefin tuna on the endangered species list. We did not succeed in that, but our efforts had their effect since we obtained a reduction in fishing quotas. This allowed the blue- fin tuna population in the Mediterranean to rebound. It is now out of danger. We have now authorized its consumption in the Principality, although we must remain cautious. HM: Do you have other goals in this field? Prince Albert: We are also working on in- creasing protected marine areas in the Medi- terranean; our goal is to cover 10 % of the ocean surface. We are currently at 6 % and some scientists are recommending aiming at 30 %. I am not sure that it can be achieved. HM: I met you in Roure where forest pro- tection was debated... Prince Albert: Yes, of course. We are also fighting against deforestation, it is part of our environment. HM: You must be revolted by what is hap- pening with Amazonian forests... Prince Albert: It's terrible... There need to be so many actions taken. Several countries are affected by intensive agriculture and grain production to feed livestock. The de- mand for beef is so high... But we can’t carry