Hello Monaco #08 Winter 2019–2020 HM 2019 #08_web | Page 156

SPORT IN THE CITY THE THIRD WORLD CLASS GAMES for World Class Monaco’s Anniversary III ИГРЫ WORLD CLASS GAMES В ДЕНЬ РОЖДЕНИЯ WORLD CLASS MONACO The sports challenge was crowned by an award ceremony and the fitness club’s 4th Birthday celebration. 12 октября World Class Monaco провел третьи Флагманские Игры World Class Games. Апогеем спортивного челленджа стала торжественная церемония награждения победителей и вечеринка по случаю празднования четвертого дня рождения фитнес-клуба. S ame as in previous years, the event was held on Cap Marquet Beach, in Cap d’Ail. The dynamic coaches equipped an obstacle course consisting of: a running track, a variety of training stations, power exercises, kayak racing and much more. This particular year’s program took into account previous experience and modern sports trends. WORLD CLASS GAMES THUS FEATURE:  an obstacle course that includes a number of different sports,  a 6 km long race, smartly spiced up with 10 fitness challenges,  a chronometered functional test. 154 / Hello Monaco Winter 2019–2020 www.hellomonaco.com On October 12, this year, World Class Monaco hosted its third flagship World Class Games. Club members, professional athletes, sports fans and friends all took part in the race. This was a way of testing their endurance and demonstrating their best performance following the training sessions. This was also an opportunity for spending a great time with like-minded people. Traditionally, all participants are divided into teams of two and are competing in 3 categories: female, male and mixed. This team ap- proach is a guarantee of mutual support, help and trust on the ob- stacle course.