Hello Monaco #08 Winter 2019–2020 HM 2019 #08_web | Page 112

MONACO NEIGHBOURHOOD If your birthrite is a majestic hill within sight of the landing of Saint-Paul on the shores of the Mediterranean; if you are blessed with a magical landscape and nature at its most generous giving rise to orchards, grapes and olives, truffles and honey; if your neighbours are Cannes and Monte- Carlo and celebrities adore you; if fortune smiles upon you with the best light in the Mediterranean so Matisse and Picasso and great artists flock to you, and if your fountains and wash-houses have been blessed through history with water from an aqueduct from Vence, then you are a prized jewel in the crown of the French Riviera and your name is Saint-Paul de Vence — and more than two million people come to visit you each year. 2000 years of evolution created this jewel from the early Ligurian tribes who erected a fortress on the hill then called Plateau de Saint-Puy, to the Saint-Paul de Vence that invites you to visit today. french-riviera-blog.com Если город зародился на величественном холме, где, по преданию, бывал апостол Павел, совершавший миссионерские поездки по Средиземноморью; если природа одарила эти места восхитительным пейзажем, пышными садами, виноградниками, оливковыми деревьями, трюфелями и медом; если по соседству расположены блистательные Канны и шикарный Монте-Карло и сюда обожают приезжать знаменитости; если городу удалось завоевать сердца многих великих художников, в числе которых Матисс и Пикассо; если здешние фонтаны и лавуары (старинные прачечные) снабжаются водой из акведука Ванс, значит, этот город — Сен-Поль-де-Ванс, драгоценная жемчужина в короне Французской Ривьеры, куда ежегодно приезжают более двух миллионов туристов. Две тысячи лет назад лигурийские племена воздвигли на этом холме крепость, которая позже называлась Плато де Сен-Пюи, а сегодня уникальный и неповторимый Сен-Поль-де-Ванс открывает гостям свои двери. Panoramic view of Saint-Paul de Vence and its surroundings O ne of the finest medieval towns on the French Riviera, it is celebrated for its contemporary art museums and gal- leries such as Fondation Maeght which is locat- ed nearby. The town is located just 15 minutes’ drive from the Mediterranean on top of a large hilly mound on which a Roman oppidum was built, followed by a medieval castle dominated in the Middle Ages by the Counts of Provence. In the 16th century, King Francis I ordered built the impressive city walls and fortifications that still stand today. 110 / Hello Monaco Winter 2019–2020 www.hellomonaco.com In the 19th century, the artists started to ar- rive, attracted by the light and the beautiful architecture of the village. Paul Roux, owner of the future «La Colombe d’Or» Hotel (the very famous hotel and restaurant at the entrance to the village), decided to house some artists for free in exchange for some of their paintings. Through the 20th century, actors, artists and novelists made Saint-Paul into the lively cul- tural centre that you will find when you visit. The streets of Saint-Paul de Vence were ac- tually earth until the beginning of the 1950s, when Mayor Marius Issert had them overlaid with cobbles positioned in floral patterns in the Provencal tradition — and wow did that make a difference. It is beautifully done — worth a visit in itself. The 1950s and ’60s were when the village came into its Golden Age. Saint-Paul became an amazing film set with Jacques Prévert, Henri-Georges Clou- zot and André Cayatte. James Baldwin and Marc Chagall lived in the village for almost 20 years.