Hell Magazine Oct.11.2015 | Page 12



Nicki Minaj

Gives Life to her Lovers and haters! Her single went Platinum and she is vevo Certified! All hell to the Queen! Nicki Minaj is also Nominated #1 Most Influencial Rapper since Lil'Kim and has also Paved the Way by using the Formula Laid out By The QueenBee her self! How Flawless can Nicki Minaj Be? she's most Certantly the Biggest Female rapper out right now and she's holding it down with the Young Money group! Not Only is Nicki The Most Lyrical Rapper Since Kim but she's Also the Most Sexiest Rapper As well! Can you say Nicki Minaj is the world's Biggest Sex Symbol!? No Shade! #NickiRapBars!