Helath Business 002 002 | Page 6


Experts Lounge
Lessons Kenya can learn from the recent US pharma price hikes
Heated debates are ongoing in the world ’ s super power , US over the sudden increase in prices of old offpatent drugs by very high percentages ... page 6
Health Finance
Kenya among top contributors to Global Fund Against AIDS
Kenya has been listed among the top contributors to the Global Fund Against AIDS , Tuberculosis ( TB ) and Malaria in Africa after she announced a donation of Sh500 million towards the kitty ...
page 12
Ministry of Health refutes Audit report figures as inaccurate , says every expenditure lawful
The Ministry of Health ( MoH ) has denied taxpayers lost Ksh . 5 Billion at the ministry through misappropriation of funds and corruption as alleged by media reports .... page 14 haltons pharmacy
Pharmacy chain set to reduce cost , offer quality health care
The idea of operating a community pharmacy in Kenya seemed non-lucrative and abstract a decade ago , with low investor confidence in the business model ... page 16
Cover Story
Parallel importation of drugs to lower cost of medication
The Pharmacy and Poisons Board ( PPB ) has made a bold decision to address what maybe the local pharmaceutical industry ’ s most controversial issue , parallel trade in pharmaceuticals ... page 20
6 November-December 2016