Hedge Fund Intelligence New standards in Investor Transparency | Page 9
believe. Jeff Holland, managing director and cofounder of the London-based Liongate Capital
Management, points to the case of the German
hedge fund manager, Florian Homm, as one of the
more colourful examples of an individual whose
management strategy turned out to bear very little
resemblance to what his investors had expected.
Homm, founder and one-time chief investment
officer of Absolute Capital Management Holdings,
is alleged to have channelled his client’s funds into
dubious penny stocks rather than liquid listed
equities. That, along with a number of other allegations, led the SEC to charge Homm and others Jeff Holland, managing
with “violations of several broker-dealer record- director and co-founder
keeping provisions”.
of Liongate Capital
Fortunately, says Holland, cases of discovered or
alleged fraud à la Madoff or Absolute Capital have Management
been few and far between. “What is much more >> By and large, managers
common,” he says, “is an element of window-dress- don’t have sinister reasons
ing, where a long/short equity manager claiming to for not being transparent >>
deal only in liquid equities is in reality over-exposed
to smaller, less liquid names. Over the last few years,
investors have become much more attuned to this sort of risk.”
Holland says that in fairness to managers, many who continue to resist
calls for more transparency have perfectly understandable reasons for doing
so. “By and large, managers don’t have sinister reasons for not being transparent,” he says. “Many say that their ideas are proprietary and they want to
protect their process.”
The horrifying recognition that investors may have had very little idea of
what was in their portfolios, let alone have the tools they needed to analyse
those portfolios, had a notable impact on the relationship between hedge fund
managers and their investors.
“The Lehman crisis and the Madoff scandal really acted as a wake-up call for
© HedgeFund Intelligence
June 2014 Special Report 9