HED-Higher Education Directory 2018 HED-Higher Education Directory 2018 | Page 5

HED 2018 Editor's Note Greetings! India will be the youngest nation in the world by 2030. Around 140 million people will be in the age group of Higher Education. With such high numbers to educate our nation needs a sea change in the vision of Higher Education in our country. Fancy building and campuses have mushroomed all over the country, but the real problem of impar ting high quality education remains a distant dream at a mass level. A new systems and "Hybrid Education" need to be evolved as the number of high quality teachers are only shrinking. Hybrid Education will combine digital learning with classroom learning. At the same time assessment at every level needs to be integrated into the eco-system for what it will call "Seamless Learning". We are already seeing a step in this direction with some of the private colleges and universities star ting to use the technology in learning. On a national level government must frame policy and set direction to produce high quality talent who can compete in the global world. HED-Higher Education Directory 2018 remains number one directory in India on the higher education sector. It is the only consolidated information source of educational institutes, colleges & universities in the country. The directory is available both in Print as well as Digital Edition, making it the single largest read reference base publication. The directory is comprehensive and information is featured in an easy to refer style. It is widely read & consulted by students, parents, councillors and others seeking information on higher education in India. Wishing our aspiring students of higher education, all the very best! Best regards, Neeraj N Mathur Managing Editor Higher Education Directory Higher Education Directory | III