Heckford North West - Tourism Portfolio North West Tourism Portfolio | Page 9
tHe ABIlIty to vISuAlISe AN IdeA ANd tuRN It INto ouR StudIo dIScIplINeS ARe NumeRouS, Some of
A commeRcIAlly vIABle deSIGN IS AN ARt IN ItSelf. tHe mAIN oNeS ARe lISted AS followS:
with a client base as wide ranging as ours, our creatives
sometimes have to be “mental athletes” – creating concepts
across a range of sectors as diverse as tourism, education,
construction and local authorities.
creative concepts & visualisation
corporate Identity
logo design
finding that great idea can sometimes be like mining for
diamonds, most of what you dig is thrown away. But
eventually you unearth that gem of a concept! then with the
help of the latest technology (and occasionally “old school”
pens and markers) we bring that concept to life on the page.
our talented team of graphic designers and creatives use the
latest technology to ensure your brand has the maximum
impact, your sales message gets maximum exposure and
your corporate identity makes a lasting impression.
Brochure design
Brand Guidelines
Graphic Illustration
3d cGI Illustration & modelling
photo Retouching