Heckford North West - Tourism Portfolio North West Tourism Portfolio | Page 7
GettING tHe RIGHt meSSAGe IN fRoNt of tHe ouR SeRvIce coveRS tHe mAIN medIA
RIGHt people, At tHe RIGHt tIme ANd foR tHe typeS, pluS mucH moRe, INcludING:
RIGHt pRIce tAkeS yeARS of kNowledGe,
expeRIeNce ANd INSIGHt.
our team of media and account managers make it their
mission to get you the best rates, give you the best advice
and plan out media campaigns that get you noticed. we’ve
got great relationships with all of the key media players which
allows us to provide you with the most bespoke advertising
campaigns you could ever want, across any format.
when receiving a brief, whatever the budget, our
experienced media team will take the time to explore your
brand, analyse your market, your competition, the current
trends; and then brainstorm ideas and collaborate to build a
campaign with real purpose and strategy.
monthly & quarterly Reports