Special feature
SPECIAL Features
IDEAL—Better Care ⇒ Better Health
Children’s Cancer Foundation
This year’s annual 24-hour Charity Dinghy Race will be held on
1 & 2 November. On behalf of HHYC and all the charities involved,
we would like to express our sincere thanks to all the sponsors
and contributors who supported the event last year—allowing us
to continue to make dreams come true. Below is a summary of
the feedback we received from the charities, on how they used the
funding from last year’s 24-hour charity event.
From the funds raised at the
Hebe Haven Yacht Club Charity
Dinghy Race 2013, IDEAL was
very grateful for the support to
continue the ‘Better Care⇒Better
Health Project’. A series of
physical fitness programmes
were successfully conducted
to promote the good health of the members as well as their
parents and to promote health awareness in the IDEAL family.
The activities enhanced the flexibility, cardiorespiratory fitness,
muscle strength and endurance of the members and the
parents. This can lessen the burden of the cost of medical
care for the families and, in the long run, to society at large.
We thank you very much for your support.
The funds raised
through the
24-hour Charity
Dinghy Race were
used to sponsor
the following prosthetic devices and diagnostic tests for child
cancer patients in 2013:
We were very grateful to the
24-hour Race Committee for
including us as one of the
charities they would support in
last year’ ̀