Hebe Jebes Sep/Oct 2014 | Page 24

THE WORLD’S FIRST CONVERTIBLE TENDER CLUB MATTERS CARBRO 220 RIB 245 CARBOn The only tender’s in the world to incorporate a fold-down transom which means the outboard engine can be pivoted horizontally so that you don’t have to remove the engine to store the tender flat on board! Ale Shek Sizes range from 1.85M to 5M. Marine Operations Prices start from HK$21,488 upwards. CARBRO 360 CH 20 Nobody likes stepping in dog mess, or having their kids play around it. We have had numerous incidences of owners/ helpers not cleaning up after their pets have answered the call of nature in the shipyard and/or car parking lot. Members are kindly reminded to immediately clean up their pet’s excrement to keep all of the Club’s areas clean and hygienic. Members should note that the hardstand area is for storage of designated boats only, no other items such as dinghies, kayaks, RIBs and diesel drums are to be stored there. If you are storing any such items, please remove them immediately. The Marine Office will remove any unauthorised items without prior notice. A 2.2M demo tender is available for viewing at Clearwater Bay Marina by appointment. For more details please refer to the club circular: www.hhyc. org.hk/admin/upload/201209061658320.pdf Please be mindful that if members are involved in any vessel collision or any other marine accident, they are required by law to contact the Marine Department immediately. Please refer to the Marine Department’s website for details of the mandatory requirements for reporting marine incidents: www.mardep.gov. hk/en/publication/elawr.html 近日發現,在船廠範圍及停車場範圍發現有動物排泄物,請 各會員注意環境衛生,當寵物排泄完畢後,請馬上清理,以 免影響地方清潔。 Many members hire boat crew to help take care of their vessels. For security purposes, whenever there is a change in your boat crew, please notify the Marine Office. Old boat crew cards should be returned to the Marine Office for cancellation. 敬請各會員注意,在岸上泊位範圍,不可儲存或存放其他什 物,如:橡皮艇、獨木舟、電油桶等以免阻塞通道及影響他 人。如發現任何什物,本會海事辦公室將自行處理而不作另 行通知,敬請留意! Check your tender, its engine size, its licence and its insurance. MarDep regulations stipulate that, for a Class IV vessel—which is a pleasure vessel—an ancillary vessel, classed as a tender in the HHYC bye-l