Hebe Jebes Sep/Oct 2014 | Page 14

SLAM Sailing Centre SLAM Sailing Centre Dragons Squad News Words Grégoire Bourrut Lacouture 在這一期會訊,我們會回顧過去兩個月在SLAM航海訓練中心 非常緊密的活動。Dragons隊伍沒有休息時間可言,他們在 7月至8月都跟Alfy一起進行訓練。由於新賽季即將開始,我 們在這一期會訊有一個完美的指南,提醒你如何調整好你的 Optimist帆船。 最後,我們會談談所有孩子在加入帆船隊之前很想做,但在真 正比賽時卻想盡辦法要避免的事情—翻船! In early July, an informal training session was held at Hebe with both the Optimists and the Lasers. Our older Dragons were back from their studies and could not resist the temptation of sailing. Jess and William joined Arthur, Timothée, Zoe, Pei, Bincker and Ian for some boat stretching, boat exchanges and a few races. Our Oppies sailors even exchanged their boats for some Picos and joined the Pico advanced training programme with some Watersports children. It was certainly a great experience for the younger kids to be able to sail with the elite. The final race on 11 July saw the Bruwer’s sisters and a young sailor being chased by Timothée with two younger sailors. Another highlight of the week was a boat swap between the Lasers and Oppies. Our Dragons enjoyed the speed of the Lasers while the teenagers were less comfortable on the Oppies (or shall we say a bit squeezed!) Nevertheless, the atmosphere was very friendly. 12 Hebe jebes • Sept/oct 2014 7月初,我們針對Optimists 和Lasers級別的隊員在白沙灣進行了 非正式訓練課程。較為年長的Dragons隊員亦趁學校假期回來一 同參與訓練,他們都抗拒不了揚帆出海的誘惑!Jess和William 聯同Arthur、 Timothee、Zoe、Pei、Bincker和Ian進行船隻伸 展、交換船隻和比賽訓練。有些Oppies隊員更和Picos隊員交換 船隻,以及和Watersports的小孩一起參加Pico級別高級訓練課 程。可以跟一眾精英一起航行,對小朋友來說肯定是個難得的經 驗。在7月11日舉行的最後一場訓練賽期間,可以看到Bruwer姊 妹和一位年輕船員,一直被Timothee和兩個年輕隊友追趕。 這個星期的另一個焦點是Lasers隊和Oppies隊交換船隻。我們 的Dragons隊員很享受Lasers的速度,但年輕人在Oppies上就 覺得有點不舒適 ,(或者說是有點擠迫!) 但無論如何,訓練 期間的氣氛非常融洽。 The Optimist World Part 3 July Training Camp 在長假期之後,是時候跟大家溫習一下Optimist的基本功夫, 好讓你們在更好的狀態下參與即將舉行的賽事和Alfred的訓 練。以下的圖表會講解如何調整你的船隻: In this issue, we look at the past two months which have been very intense for the SLAM Sailing Centre. The Dragons had no rest as they trained with Alfy throughout July and August. In view of the new season, we thought it would be a nice idea to refresh some memories with the perfect guide on how to finetune your Optimist. And, finally, a brief sample on what most children love to do before joining the racing team and try their best to avoid while racing—capsizing! 無論你身在香港或海外,我們都希望你有個愉快的夏天。很 榮幸我可以與Dragons隊一起展開新賽季(白沙灣遊艇會 Dragon隊伍訓練由9月開始至明年6月)。未來三個月肯定會 非常忙碌,因為將有多達六項賽事進行,包括第一次在香港北 區大尾篤舉行的HKODA Nationals帆船賽 2014。11月號的會 訊會有更多關於這項賽事的詳情公怖。 After the long break, we thought it would be good to go back over some of the basics of your Optimist to make sure you’ll be in good shape for the coming races and for the upcoming training with Alfred. The spreadsheet below will explain how to finetune your boat: We hope you all had a good summer in Hong Kong or overseas. It’s a great pleasure to start a new racing season with the Dragons (Hebe Haven Dragons team runs from September to June). The coming three months promises to be very active, with up to six races including the HKODA Nationals 2014 to be held for the first time in the northern part of Hong Kong in Tai Mei Tuk. More information on this annual event in our November issue. 13