Hebe Jebes May/Jun 2014 | Page 44

SLAM Sailing Centre THE WORLD’S FIRST CONVERTIBLE TENDER The PGYC runs a programme for local kids so that they can learn sailing in their spare time for free, paid for with the proceeds from dinghy rents to visitors. This programme has produced some very talented sailors who are now also racing internationally. At the price-giving ceremony, all sailors were rewarded with prices and mementos from the PGYC and it was time to say farewell to everyone. Overall, the Hebe Dragons and parents had an eventful and exciting Chinese New Year week. Puerto Galera turned out to be such a great place to enjoy sailing and all sorts of different activities. The fresh air, outstanding weather, ideal winds and the sheer beauty of this place proved to be just perfect for a great vacation that exceeded everybody’s expectations. It is quite likely that few of the Dragons and parents will be returning in the future. A big thanks goes to the Puerto Galera Yacht Club, particular to Pete and Russ. Both enabled us having such a good time. They provided us with all sail equipment, arranged a diversified programme and made sure everyone could sail with joy and safety. 42 Hebe jebes • MAY/Jun 2014 Hopefully, PGYC and HHYC can have more interactions in the future—on either side of the South China Sea. 海豚灣遊艇會推行了一個計劃,讓當地小朋友在空閒時間免費 進行航海訓練,他們只需繳付小艇租金。 這個計劃為當地培訓 了不少優秀的選手,有些人更已參加國際賽事。在頒獎禮上, 所有參賽選手都得到獎品和海豚灣遊艇會贈送的紀念品,而這 也是時候跟大家說再見了。 總括來說,Hebe Dragons隊員和家長們都渡過了一個充實又 興奮的農曆新年。海豚灣實在是一個習出海和各式各樣活動的 好地方。 新鮮的空氣、怡人的氣候、適度的海風和美麗的景 緻,都證明了這裡實在是最適合渡假的地方,簡直令人喜出望 外,相信許多 Dragons隊員和家長未來都會重臨海豚灣。 CARBRO 220 RIB 245 CARBOn The only tender’s in the world to incorporate a fold-down transom which means the outboard engine can be pivoted horizontally so that you don’t have to remove the engine to store the tender flat on board! Sizes range from 1.85M to 5M. Prices start from HK$21,488 upwards. CARBRO 360 CH 20 A 2.2M demo tender is available for viewing at Clearwater Bay Marina by appointment. 在此容許我鳴謝海豚灣遊艇會,特別是Pete和Russ。他們衷心 的安排令我們於海豚灣渡過了一段快樂時光。 他們為我們準備 航海器材,為我們安排行程,確保每個人都能愉快和安全地出 海。我衷心期望海豚灣遊艇會和白沙灣遊艇會未來在南中國海 的兩邊,會有更多互動和合作。 Exclusive Asia Distributor: [email protected] 2511 8337 9199 3860 aermarine.com