Hebe Jebes May/Jun 2014 | Page 38

SLAM Sailing Centre SLAM Sailing Centre Chinese New Year Holidays in the Philippines Words Oliver Scholer (Nicolle and Jasmine’s father) The Port of Galleons, located in the Philippines, is where Spanish seafarers traded, galleons sought shelter from fierce typhoons and pirates hid in its remote bays. The lush vegetation, crystal clear waters, surrounding mountains and pristine beaches all earnt the scenic place a membership in the ‘Most Beautiful Bays in the World’ club and it is listed in the UNESCO biosphere programme. Today, this place is popularly known as Puerto Galera. During Chinese New Year 2014, seafarers and pirates had to make place for a new generation of boating enthusiasts—the Hebe Dragons. Port of Galleons位於菲律賓,是西班牙海員進行交易、帆船躲避猛烈颱風、以及海盜藏身的神秘海灣。茂密的叢林、清澈的海 水、連綿的群山和質樸的海灘,都令這個港灣得以成為「全球最美麗海灣」俱樂部的會員,並被聯合國教科文組織納入生物圈計 劃。今天,這個美麗的地方被稱為海豚灣(Puerto Galera)。在2014年的農曆新年,海員和海盜都會暫借這個地方給一班對航 海充滿熱誠的新世代—Hebe Dragons。 On Monday morning, the Bruwer- (Zoe), Hainz (Arthur), Turner (Nathan) and Scholer- (Jasmine and Nicolle) families were welcomed by Peter Stevens and Russell Hughes of the Puerto Galera Yacht Club. Pete—a former police superintendent in Hong Kong and veteran member of HHYC—oversees the sail programme at the PGYC. After introductions were given, the question was dropped, “Guys, what would you like to do this week” The Dragons replied swiftly and in unison, “Mess around!” With that, the programme was set and the Dragons had their safety briefing. Later in the morning, the Dragons took their Optimists to explore the bay. Soon they realised that, unlike in Hong Kong, there was a rich marine life beneath their dinghies. Pete was struggling to keep the sailors inside their boats, but soon capitulated to their urge to plunge in the refreshing waters. 36 Hebe jebes • MAY/Jun 2014 星期一早上, Bruwer ( Zoe)、 Hainz (Arthur)、 Turner (Nathan) 和 Scholer (Jasmine 和 Nicolle)家庭,獲海豚灣 遊艇會(Puerto Galera Yacht Club)的 Peter Stevens 和 Russell Hughes熱烈歡迎。Pete曾任職香港警司,也是白沙灣 遊艇會的會員,他目前主理海豚灣遊艇會的航海訓練課程。簡 單介紹過後,他問 : 「這個星期你們想做甚麼?」Dragons隊 員不假思索,異口同聲回答:「四處遊玩!」 就是這樣,他們 初步訂好行程後,Dragons隊員隨即進行安全簡介會。那天早 上,Dragons隊員帶同他們的Optimists探索這個海灣。他們 很快就發現,那兒跟香港不同,在小艇