Hebe Jebes May/Jun 2014 | Page 34

SLAM Sailing Centre SLAM Sailing Centre The Optimist world Part 2 Points of Sailing Basic rules of sailing Upon rigging your boat, you may wonder how we can sail with the wind coming from one direction. This illustration shown on the wall in Hebe Haven explains it all. Please note this is valid for any kind of sailing boat, not only Optimists! By now, all the Dragons are familiar with some basics about sailing ...well we hope! 當繫好你的船艇後,你可能會問:「怎麼可以在只有一個風向 的情況下航行?」這幅掛在白沙灣遊艇會牆上的圖畫,正好解 釋了一切。請注意,這適用於任何的帆船,不僅是Optimist級 別的船艇! • • • • • • • Before going out, make sure your sail is properly set. You can check when you pull in to the maximum. If the sail is still flapping, re-rig it! Make sure you dress properly (no summer clothes in winter) Water bottles on board Watch ready on the 5-min countdown On the water, make sure you always balance your boat (not too much at the back when going downwind, not too much at the front when going upwind) So many times we see sailors going downwind with the daggerboard down. Do not forget to pull it three-quarters up in order to gain some speed, halfway up on the reach When going upwind to the top mark, not more than 5 – 6 tacks When sailing around a course, the first thing to do is to pinpoint the location of each mark, know your course number (usually a flag on the committee boat will indicate which one it is) and of course keep clear of the starting line if it is not your class or starting sequence. A few minutes before the 5-min start, watch the starting line, take position and calculate all your angles in order to cross it at the right time. Sailing upwind is a challenge for most of you. Watch your angles as well as the sail tails. Not more than 45 degrees to the wind. Pull the main sail in order to have the boom close to the corner of the boat. Hike out if you need to (depending on the wind). If you do not, your boat will bear away. In the Dragon fleet, we have an expression for this, ‘Do not sail towards Ocean Park’, in other words the opposite to the top mark! If you need to tack, it has to be a fast one. Ease the mainsheet a bit as you cross the boat and, as soon as the boom comes across, sit down, hike out and pull the mainsheet. Do not forget to watch where you are going to make sure you do not tack more than 90 degrees. Otherwise, you will lose some speed. Once approaching the top mark, be ready to bring up the daggerboard and release the main sheet to sail on a reach. Balance is also a key word. Unless the wind is too strong, do not stay at the back of the boat. Pull the mainsheet until it stops flapping. Lastly, sailing on a Run, you need to put your daggerboard to about three-quarters up. Ease the main sheet out. Again, keep your balance until you round the last mark before heading to the finish line. This part is also a challenge for most of you as you need to round the mark as close as possible in order to gain some speed. Do not forget to have the daggerboard down and then pull the main sheet for an upwind situation. With these techniques on hand, we hope to see you succeeding at your next regatta! 沿著路線航行時,首先要記下每個浮標的位置,確保清楚知道你 的航線號碼(通常裁判艇的旗會顯示)。還有要留時刻留心起點 是否屬於你的級別和起步次序。於5分鐘倒數前的幾分鐘,望望 起點線,計算好角度並調校好位置,在準確的時間越過起點。 對大部分人而言,逆風航行是個挑戰。時刻注意船艇的帆具的角 度和尾部,盡量保持帆與風向的角度維持於45度以下。 拉動主 帆令吊杆靠近船角,有需要時可以視乎風向加大力度。如果你做 不到,你的船艇可能會隨風漂走。在Dragon船隊,我們有一個 說法:「不要駛去海洋公園!」,意思是不要向南方航行 。 如果你要改變方向,你應該盡快完全。你可以稍微放鬆主帆,當 吊杆接近時,可以坐下並加大力度拉動主帆。 緊記要留意前進 方向,方向不能改變超過90度角,否則船艇可能因而減速。當 你接近最遠的浮標時,準備好拉起活動撥水板,並放鬆主帆,保 持平衡是重點。除非很大風,否則不要留在船尾,並拉動主帆直 至它不再擺動。 最後,如果你是使用Run級別的船艇,你需要把活動撥水板拉起 3/4,然後放鬆主帆。在衝向終點之前,謹記保持平衡直至繞過 最遠的浮標。這對許多人來說是另一個挑戰,因為當你繞過浮標 時,要盡量貼近浮標來加速。最後,不要忘記放下活動撥水板, 然後重新調校主帆角度,轉向迎風狀態。 學會了這些技巧之後,我們期望你們能在下一場賽事取得佳績! 航海的基本規則 希望所有 Dragons隊員已很熟悉基本的航海規則。 • • • • • • • 32 Hebe jebes • MAY/Jun 2014 出海之前,請確保你的帆具經已裝好。你可以大力拉拉它 以作測試。如果它仍然擺動,就重新再繫好它; 確保你穿了合適的衣服,注意保暖(不要在冬天穿夏天的 衣服); 船艇上要有樽裝水; 留意5分鐘倒數時間; 在水上,請時刻保持船艇平衡(順風時不要太後,逆風時 不要太前); 我們多次看到船員在順風時放下活動撥水板,不要忘記你 可透過拉起大約3/4活動撥水板來加快速度;及 當逆風時,盡量維持改變超過5﹣6次方向的情況下,向最 前的浮標進發。 33