Special note
Sustainability and Hebe
Words Mark Ashton
Simon Robertson
Sailing Centre - Committee Chairman
On 22 March, the Hebe Haven Slam Sailing Centre celebrated
the start of the 2014 dinghy sailing season by opening the
Club’s doors to the public. Members and non members were
invited to try their hand at sailing a dinghy under the watchful
eye of Rob Allen and his team. Sailability Hong Kong launched
three new Access Dinghies that will be used in the training of
sailors as they compete for places to represent Hong Kong
at the Asian Para Games in Korea in October this year. The
Centre’s full-time and part-time staff were easy to spot as they
proudly wore new uniforms provided by our partners SLAM.
The day was also an opportunity to raise money for the Dinghy
Development Fund with over $10,000 raised. With the Winter
Race series also held on the day, many a keelboat sailor took
the opportunity to observe the dinghy side of the Club in full
operation. A big thank you to all members and non members
alike who attended on the day—for supporting the Club and our
youth at the Sail Training Centre.
May sees representatives from our Optimist and Laser racing
teams travel to Tokyo to represent the Club and Hong Kong.
Good luck to these sailors who have trained hard over the
winter months.
Please mark 10 May in your diaries, as once again ‘Stolen
Thunder’ will be entertaining the young and not-so-young at the
‘Boogie By The Bay’ in the Garden Bar. All proceeds from ticket
sales will go to the Dinghy Development Fund, so come along,
enjoy a great night’s entertainment and support the fund. I hope
to see as many as possible in attendance.
With the warmer weather well and truly back in Hong Kong,
now is the time to get out on the water and try your hand at
sailing. For the youth, sailing is a wonderful way to unplug from
the pressures of school, university or parents. For the adults,
sailing is a great way to escape work or children, so I encourage
all to take the opportunity to get out on the water.
Fair Winds.
14 Hebe jebes • MAY/Jun 2014
員們都有機會在Rob Allen和他的隊友指導下,一試揚帆出海
Hong Kong)同場亦展示了三款最新的Access Dinghies,選
他們都穿上了由我們的合作夥伴SLAM提供的全新制服。 當天
亦為航海發展基金總共籌得超過$10,000款項。 冬季賽事適逢
在5月,本會的Optimist和Laser 隊伍將遠赴日本,代表本遊艇
By)為大家帶來無窮歡樂。 所有門券收益將會撥捐航海發展基
The Club has decided to bolster its efforts towards
environmentally-friendly operations by establishing a new
sustainability subcommittee. Chaired by GenCom member,
Prof. Andy Miller, the subcommittee will consider all aspects
of the Club’s activities including engagement with other
community groups to join hands-o