Eric L. Stark
Rear Commodore - Operations
Once again, Operations would like to ask that we all pull
together and make our best effort in understanding and
helping with the changes the Club faces as we move forward
with the lease renewal process. As you will have seen, the
boatyard is being restructured to accommodate the removal
of the existing boat racks, as required by the HKSAR
Government (see page 44 - 45).
rights procedure at the Club, and to look into any changes
that could be made to improve a member’s opportunity for
moving up the facility waiting list.
With regard to club moorings, your Committee has been
diligently working towards a way to clear as many people from
the waiting lists and onto the water as quickly as we can. That
being said, I would like to take this opportunity to explain the
way forward, to ensure fairness in all aspects of allocation of
club resources to all the members who have aspirations of
owning their own vessel.
The Operations Committee has therefore come up with the
following proposal, for consideration by the General Committee,
for existing members to enjoy grandfathering rights:
Back in 2009, a decision was taken to institute a limit to
‘grandfathering rights’ on these facilities. In essence, this
meant that anyone leasing a club mooring, pontoon or
hardstanding prior to May 2009 had grandfather rights to that
club facility, which meant that the member and vessel owner
could sell their vessel and transfer the use of the club facility
(mooring, pontoon or hardstanding) to the new owner as long
as they were also a member.
This was done for several reasons, two of which were to make
a fairer path for persons on the waiting lists and to increase
the turnover in club facilities. What has been shown to happen
though, is that the desired outcome of increased turnover in
club facilities has not happened as hoped, as club members
are having a more difficult time selling their vessels.
Approximately a year ago, GenCom asked the Operations
Committee to review the current process of the grandfathering
This is a complex matter as numerous people have a vested interest
in these facilities, both current users with a facility and members
waiting to have use of such and aspiring to boat ownership.
the member must have had the Marine Facility for a
minimum period of three years;
the member must have been a full member for a period of
three years;
the member must be an active member on committee(s)
or club events so as to prove their commitment to the
Club through these actions; and
each case must go before the Operations Committee
for approval.
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