Hebe Jebes Mar/Apr 2014 | Page 30

SLAM Sailing Centre High Performance Camp Nicolle Scholer’s experience New toy: TackTracker Shortly before the HKODA Nationals, the Sailing Centre— supported by The Development Fund For Youth Sailing— decided to buy some trackers to fit onto the Optimist fleet. Hi! I’m Nicolle and I was one of the three sailors (along with Arthur and Jasmine) from Hebe invited to join a High Performance Camp at Aberdeen Boat Club (ABC) on Saturday and Sunday, 14 and 15 December 2013. although I learnt loads to bring back to Hebe and improve our whole team. I would like to see more of our team being invited to join the High Performance Camp as it would be great fun and lots to learn. When we first arrived, we had no idea where to go and what to do. We were quite early so no one was there that we could ask. Later, we found out that we had to take a sampan to get to ABC, and so we did. At that point, we started rigging our sails but didn’t have a boat to borrow until later someone came and gave us each a boat from ABC. We were then late for the first briefing with our coaches Jono and Craig and so we had missed it. I was really disappointed. 各位好﹗我是Nicolle ,有幸與其餘兩位選手 (Arthur和 Jasmine)獲邀參加香港仔遊艇會主辦的提高表現集訓營 (2013年12月14日至15日,週六及週日)。 Next we were launching our boats Jono had checked our sails and made sure it was all perfect, literally! That day the wind was quite strong, so we made good use of it. We did this tough exercise where you had to go downwind and, at the same time as he blew his whistle, adjust the sprit pull to the way he wanted it. That was quite hard for me because after that my arm really hurt! The second day (Sunday), Jono was not quite happy that some of the sails weren’t perfect, so we had to completely de-rig the whole sail and rig them back up. That was horrible! It was cold, rainy and a Sunday and we were sitting there de-rigging then rigging our sails again. If he thought something was wrong we would be doing press ups. Anyways, overall it was great fun yet really challenging, 28 Hebe jebes • Mar/Apr 2014 剛抵步時,我們不知道要往哪裡、做什麼,由於我們一早 便到違,會所內無人當值,我們亦無法向會所職員打聽有 關事宜。 正值此時,我們才得知我們必須自攜舢板前往目 的地,有幸獲有心人借船,我們就開始裝備帆具。 因此, 當抵達目的地後,我們已錯過了與教練Jono和Craig第一 次的簡報會,我因此感到非常失望。 This new gadget enables all racers to be tracked while on the course and the records may then be uploaded onto Alfie’s computer for further debriefings. This definitely improves the Dragons’ skills, as they are able to study their successes and mistakes and compare themselves with others. These GPS trackers were first used by our team at the HKG Nationals in November. The results have been published onto the TackTracker HHYC page: http://tacktracker.com/cloud/home/HHYC/races/ HKODA Nationals 大賽前,航海中心 (由少年航海發展基 金資助)決定為Optimist隊添置適合的追蹤器。 新裝置可全面追蹤所有選手位置,同時把記錄上載至Alfie 電腦,作日後分析及總結之用。裝置有助提升Dragon隊技 術,讓隊員可以從失誤中學習,互相觀摩,與隊友比較成 績。 (編者:香港遊艇會亦有同類裝置,方便兩會綜合數 據,進行比較) 我們團隊首次於上年11 月舉辨的HKG Nationals大賽中使 用全新追蹤器,並於白沙灣遊艇會網頁公布結果︰ http://tacktracker.com/cloud/home/HHYC/races/ Hong Kong’s home for maritime heritage past, present and future 集訓開始時,Jono 仔細檢查每艘小型帆船,確保我們的帆 具已完美裝備後,才讓我們出海!當日風勢強勁,我們亦 多加利用,訓練相當艱巨,我們需要在順風時按口哨號令 調較斜撑帆杆,對我而言可謂相當困難,事後我的肩膊更 隱隱作痛啊! Permanent and temporary galleries Museum shop and Café 第二天 (星期日),因某些船的帆具角度不完美,Jono要 求所有人重新裝備帆具,當時天氣非常寒冷,又下著毛毛 細雨,又是週日,回想起就覺得恐怖!當時,我們只好咬 緊牙關重新裝備帆具,如果他認為有人出錯,就難免要罰 做掌上壓。總括而言,集訓營是相當有趣且具挑戰性,我 獲益匪淺,並準備把新知識與Dragons 隊友分享,希望 將來有更多隊友會獲邀參加集訓營,體驗箇中樂趣,增進 知識! central pier no.8 open daily +852 3713 2500 29