Hebe Jebes Mar/Apr 2014 | Page 24

SLAM Sailing Centre New Dragons Bincker Uiterwaal Emily Keg (HKG 310) My name is Bincker and I am nine years old. My birthday is 6 October. I go to Clearwater Bay School. My favourite colour is green and my favourite animal is the meerkat because they stand up straight to look if something’s coming. Besides racing I also like to climb and swim. I’m twelve years old and I am a Hong Kong–born Australian. I am in Year 8 at KGV. My first experience sailing an Optimist was at the Hebe Haven Yacht Club summer camp in 2013 and I loved it! I am really happy to be in the racing team because I have a few friends there and Alfie is a very nice coach. I like sailing a lot and I like being out on the sea. I want to get better at sailing so I can go on to a higher level. I will reach my goal by trying my very best. Dragons Squad News Thank you, Bincker I started with Team B and sailed with the Dragons at the HKODA nationals using sail 91, which was a great introduction to racing. I attended the HHYC racing camp over Christmas 2013 and learnt so much—now I am on Team A, using sail 310. My hobbies include reading, listening to music, playing netball and long-distance running. Words Gregoire Bourrut Lacouture After a rather cold winter where our Dragons enjoyed some rest­(no regattas for two months!) we are back starting the new year with an extended team. Thanks to Alfred’s hard work, in January we welcomed three new and one returning racer. At the same time, Arthur, Jasmine and Nicolle qualified to enter the ‘One Team’ (Hong Kong National Team) and attended their first extensive training in December. See their reports and views below. Sadly, we had to say goodbye to Hannah Warren who returned to Australia. We wish her good winds and hope she will find her new Purple Wave very soon. Dragons隊經過漫長冬季假期後 (整整兩個月沒有大賽), 已重整旗鼓,招攬賢才,迎接新一年挑戰。 全賴Alfred努力不懈,一月份我們招攬了三位新成員及一 位會員回歸Dragons隊;與此同時,Arthur、Jasmine和 Nicolle均入選香港代表隊「One Team」,並參加於12月 舉行的首次集訓,詳情刊載於下文。 另外,Hannah Warren將返回澳洲升學,我們只好不捨地 向她道別,冀望她一路順風,早日與Purple Wave重聚 。 (編者:她的小帆船名為Purple Wave) 大家好,我是Bincker,今年9歲,於10月6日出生,就讀於 清水灣小學。我最喜愛顏色是綠色,最喜歡動物是貓鼬, 因為他們會經常站立周圍看,好像能預知有事即將發生; 除了航海,我喜歡攀山與游泳。今次能成功入選Dragons 隊,我感到相當興奮,因為我有數位朋友已入選團隊,而 且Alfred 是一位非常出色的教練!我熱愛航海,喜歡在 海上的感覺,希望我能早日增進航海知識及技術,早日晋 級,我會