Hebe Jebes Mar/Apr 2014 | Page 16

SLAM Sailing Centre SLAM Sailing Centre Words Rob Allen Thank you very much to Stuart Pryke who has kindly donated his two sea kayaks to the Club. These sea kayaks are now available for members to get out for a paddle on our local waters. For more information on how to borrow these kayaks, please contact the Sail Training Centre. Thank you once again Stuart for your kind donation to the Club. 藉此機會衷心感謝Stuart Pryke慷慨捐出兩艘皮艇予本會, 讓會員可以借用出海,如欲查詢租借細節,請與本中心職 員聯繫。 Stuart的慷慨捐贈,本會銘感於心。 HHYC Open Regatta 24 & 25 May Our annual Open Dinghy Regatta is taking place over the weekend of 24 & 25 May. Please contact the Sail Training Centre to reserve your dinghy in what is expected to be a large fleet out on the water. We will be looking to the membership for support on the race management side of the house. If you are interested in going out on a safety boat as a drive ȁ