Hebe Jebes Jul/Aug 2014 | Page 46

RACING Polar Star III finished second on the water behind Tipsy Easy, but had to accept a third position, due to our handicap, to Boat Yaima which was skippered by Hiroshi Maeda San who had circumnavigated with the same boat. We could not find any excuse to complain against being third in the race as we arrived safely in Taiwan. the care that needs to be exercised when racing offshore and in unfamiliar waters. We left with only one regret, that we were not been able to catch any fish throughout the whole trip. Polar Star III 緊隨Tipsy Easy之後,以第二名過終點,但最終我 們只得第三名,因為讓分數制度令我們輸給Boat Yaima船長 前田博先生(Hiroshi Maeda), (他曾經用該船環遊世界航 行,我實在找不到有任何理由作出投訴。 C M Y CM At the Prize-Giving Dinner of the 13th Okinawa Friendship Yacht Race 2014, I took the opportunity to exchange burgees with Ming-Hwa Chung, President of the Keelung Sailing Association and Masahiro Tomari, Mayor of Miyako Shima. The whole series of races culminated with the Keelung International Yacht Race 2014 rounding Chi Lung Tao (Keelung Island) on 27 April. It was a short island course of about 4 Nm, but we were again put to the test to check our competence in racing in tidal waters. Both Hong Kong boats could only find themselves in third and fourth position when competing with Chinese and Japanese boats in very strong currents. This is certainly an area that we have to improve on in the future. The results obtained by sailors from Hong Kong have been very encouraging. Tipsy Easy grabbed the First Over-all and the team swears that they will go back again next year. Polar Star III humbly accepted the Third Over-all, with great memories of 44 Hebe jebes • Jul/Aug 2014 MY CY 在第13屆中日友好親善帆船賽2014的頒獎晚宴上,我藉機會跟 基隆市帆船委員會總幹事鍾明華先生,以及宮古島市長渡真利 將博(Masahiro Tomari)交換錦旗。 CMY 環繞基隆島的基隆國際帆船賽2014(Keelung International Yacht Race 2014)於4月27日舉行,為整個系列賽掀起高潮。 這是一條只有約四海里長的環島賽道,但我們的競賽能力再一 次面對潮浪的考驗。在強潮浪中面對中國和日本選手的挑戰, 兩艘香港的參賽艇最後得到第三和第四名,我們未來必定要在 這方面作出改善。 今次香港隊伍的成績令人非常鼓舞。Tipsy Easy奪得總冠軍, 並誓言明年會捲土重來。Polar Star III 得到全場第三名,並 學懂了在離岸和不熟悉的水域揚帆時要注意的事項。 我們離 開時只有一個遺憾,就是在整個航程中,我們都沒有捉到一 條魚! K