Hebe Jebes Jul/Aug 2014 | Page 42

FEATURES Yeah, I will miss Hebe Haven Yacht Club and I feel ashamed that I could not manage a proper farewell because I was so busy before the departure. Thousands of things had to be done at the last minute. I ask my friends to please excuse me and give them all my regards—all the best to everybody. All the best and many thanks for the experience you all have given me. My time at HHYC has been wonderful, a great experience, and it has given me so much: 啊!我將會很懷念白沙灣遊艇會,由於我在離開前非常忙碌,未 能來個正式的告別,我真的感到很慚愧。在最後關頭,總有千千 萬萬的事情要處理,我希望所有朋友能諒解,在此也送上我的問 候,祝大家一切安好。 • • • • • • • • • I have appreciated the organisation, efficiency and whole yacht club experience. The restaurant is outstanding. The food and beverage quality and variety is hard to beat and the weekend buffets make it complete. The value for money is more than fair and everybody should be happy with this kind of setup. The chefs create superb food and—as a curry lover—I felt in heaven. With so many kinds of draught beer—there’s something to meet just about everybody’s taste. The delicious coffee makes or finishes your day. I would especially like to thank all the restaurant staff— friendly, full of humour, fast, efficient and always willing to lend an ear or a kind word. A place to feel at home. All of them are in my heart and I will miss them. I don’t want forget to thank Mac and the whole crew from Dragon Marine. I felt well treated and they gave great, competent service. Thanks for all the help and the suggestions. All the operators of crane and marina equipment—the guys who are maintaining the boats always have a smile on their faces and we had some very nice conversations. All the members I met were friendly and helpful and welcomed me as a friend and immediately I felt integrated in the Club. Of course, a special thanks goes to Karen and David Hughes. Without all their help and assistance I would be lost in space and I’m so glad to have found such great friends. Yes, Hebe Haven Yacht Club has a special flair and charm which I hope will last forever. Yee Lai will never forget Hebe Haven Yacht Club and she now has a new beautiful home here in front of the El Rio Y Mar Resort, Port Caltom Bay, Busuanga, Northern Palawan in the Philippines. Everybody is invited to discover the Calamianes Islands with their great sailing waters—please do visit us. A vacant mooring and a cold beer are all the time available and we are happy to welcome every visitor and friend from Hebe Haven Yacht Club from Pak Sha Wan. 40 Hebe jebes • Jul/Aug 2014 Rolf Winkelhausen An affair with Yee Lai (the second love) 我在白沙灣遊艇會渡過了一段美好的時光,這段日子給予我很棒 的經驗,令我獲益良多: • • • • • • • • • 我很欣賞遊艇會組織、工作效率和整個服務遊艇會的經驗。 會所餐廳的服務真的很出色。 餐飲的質素和菜式確實無可匹敵,周末的自助餐令它更加 完美。 價錢相宜,所有人都滿意這種格局。 廚師們烹調出超級美食,像我這樣的一個咖哩愛好者,感 覺如置身天堂。 有眾多生啤選擇,任何人都會找到自己喜愛的口味。 美味的咖啡為你展開新的一天,或為你的一天劃上句號。 我要特別感謝餐廳所有員工,你們都很友善、幽默、服務 效率高,而且永遠願意聆聽或說句好話。 感覺像回家一樣。 這一切一切會永存於我心中,我會永遠懷念。 我不能不感謝Mac和整個Dragon Marine團隊,在港期間我得 到很好的待遇,他們亦盡力協助我。感謝所有幫助過我的人,和 每一位的建議,所有起重機和碼頭設施的操作員,特別是維修船 隻的傢伙們,臉上總是帶著笑容,我們曾有過很好的傾談。我 遇到的所有會員都很友善和樂於助人,待我如摯友一樣,我立即 感到自己已融入了遊艇會。當然,我要特別鳴謝Karen和 David Hughes,沒有他們的協助,我一定會在剛到達時感到迷失。能 遇到這些摯友,我真的很感恩。是的,白沙灣遊艇會具有獨特的 風格和魅力,我希望會永遠持續下去。 Yee Lai號亦永遠不會忘記白沙灣遊艇會。現在,她在菲律賓北 巴拉望,布桑加的Port Caltom Bay的埃爾里奧大海渡假村(El Rio Y Mar Resort)對開,有個很美的家。如果大家來卡拉棉群 島,歡迎大家來訪,一同揚帆出海。我定必預留一個泊位和冰 凍的