Hebe Jebes Jul/Aug 2014 | Page 12

Reports Reports Nicole Arnulphy Simon Robertson Rear Commodore - Sailing In the run up to what I like to call the ‘silly season’, the Sailing Committee and office have been very busy preparing for the Quest Typhoon Series and the Helly Hanson Summer Saturday Series. The racing for both of these events has already started, and it looks like we are going to have a fun and competitive summer. We have been working hard to put together a Race Officer Training Course to help raise the quality of Hebe race management. The Race Management Course is now fully subscribed and will run from 17–19 July. Colm Anderson for his service to our club and the incredible help and support that he has given me. Colm—the Club, the Sailing Committee and I will miss you and we wish you all the best in your retirement ‘down under’. 踏入這個我稱為「傻乎乎的季節」,海事運動委員會為了籌 備Quest 颱風盃帆船賽(Quest Typhoon Series)和 Helly Hanson 夏季周六系列賽 ( Summer Saturday Series)而忙 個不停。 這兩個賽事已經展開了,看來我們將會有一個樂趣無 窮又競爭激烈的夏天。 In the wider sailing community there has been much debate about banding or wooling spinnakers—and the littering that may be caused by these bands falling off into the sea. This is a discussion that has filtered into our own sailing community, and I would recommend that people who have not yet made adjustments to the way they band their kites start thinking about alternative means of doing so. 我們也忙於舉辦賽事主任訓練課程,希望有助提高白沙灣遊艇 會賽事管理層的質素。課程將於7月17-19日舉行,名額已滿。 On a final note, there is one man who has worked very hard for sailing at Hebe Haven Yacht Club for many years, his contribution to both the dingy sailing and big boats section has been invaluable. His input, knowledge and hard work have benefited a large portion of our membership either directly or indirectly. I would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank 最後,請容我在此提及一位男士,他多年來在白沙灣遊艇會為 帆船運動而努力,他對風帆運動的貢獻是無價的,他的投入、 知識和努力讓大部份會員們直接或間接地得益。我要趁這個機 會公開感謝Colm Anderson對本會的貢獻,以及對我本人極 大的幫助和支持。 Colm,白沙灣遊艇會、海事運動委員會和 我將會永遠懷念你,祝你在彼邦的退休生活一切安好! 在帆船界裡,對於三角帆的繩索問題一直存在著爭議,尤其是 這些繩索掉進海裡就會變成垃圾。海事運動委員會也有討論這 個議題,我建議還未決定如何紮起三角帆的人士,要開始考慮 以另一種方式進行了。 Sailing Centre - Committee Chairman The SLAM Sailing Centre and its sailors have had a busy few months. In May, our race coach Alfred and four of our club sailors were representing the Club and Hong Kong, sailing at the home of the 2020 Olympics Sailing Centre in Japan. Well done to Alfred and his sailors for the results they achieved. June saw the staff at the Centre conducting sailing taster days in addition to running the Level 1 and 2 courses for adults and children, whilst continuing to prepare the fleet for the busy summer period ahead. The Club also hosted the SLAM HHYC Open Regatta which saw the largest fleet of dinghies racing at HHYC. Well done to the volunteers, Rob, and all the crew at the Centre for running such a fantastic event. Congratulations to all sailors who competed in the HKSF Regatta, held out at Port Shelter from 6 – 7 June. The HKSF regatta was a great way for t