Hebe Jebes Jan/Feb 2014 | Page 28

Day 2: The race officer decided to mark the course in a different place as the wind was close to nil in Port Shelter. The race was moved to behind Shelter Island where the wind was stronger, along with the waves. This added a little extra to the race as swells could be as high a 1.5m! 賽事第2日:由於牛尾海風勢太弱,競賽裁判官決定另擇比 賽地點,轉戰牛尾洲島後,該海域較為風急浪高,湧浪不時高 達1.5米,令比賽更加緊張刺激 。 Four races were completed with a score for Nicolle who managed to finish 6th in the 7th race. In the same race, Zoe was about to cross the line, followed by Hannah, when Zoe tacked for an unknown reason leaving a wide gate for Hannah to overpass her. Shortly after, Jasmine and Timothee were side-by-side and after crossing the finishing line, Timothee thought it was not over and starboarded her! 完成四場賽事後,Nicolle 搶分成功,以第7名及第6名完成賽 事﹔ Zoe 衝線前一刹,莫名其妙地迎風換舷,令緊隨其後的 Hannah有機可乘,成功突圍﹔ Jasmine 和 Timothee 期後並排 衝過終點,Timothee 還以為賽事未完,反以右舷突圍﹗ At the back of the fleet, we could hear some talking between Alan and Nathan, which led Kade Southall an advantage to slip between them and overpass them on the finishing line! 我們不時聽到Alan和Nathan在船隊後方閒談,令Kade Southall有機可乘,成功搶先衝過終點﹗ 26 Hebe jebes • Jan/Feb 2014 Overall, our Hebe Dragons did very well and fought it to the maximum to beat some of the best Hong Kong sailors. The final rankings for the 12 and Under Dragons (32 boats) was: 總括而言,我們 Hebe Dragons 隊表現無懈可擊,一鼓作氣擊 敗部分全港數一數二的選手,令我們引以為傲。以下是Dragons 隊(32艘)12歲或以下組別的最終排名: • • • • • • • • • • • 9th: Nicolle Scholer 11th: Arthur Hainz 14th: Jasmine Scholer 16th: Zoe Bruwer 17th: Timothee Bourrut Lacouture 18th: Hannah Warren 22nd: Kade Southall 23rd: Sorcha Whyte 25th: Nathan Turner 26th: Bincker Uiterwaal 27th: Alan Chan The end of the weekend was celebrated in style with a magnificent buffet and a grandprize giving. While none of the Dragons managed to get a prize, the commodore’s prize was awarded to Alexandra Wallace and Evie Burns for their perseverance over the past two days. 大會以盛大自助餐及頒獎禮為賽 事畫上完美句號,Dragons隊雖然未 能奪標,但會長依然獎勵 Alexandra Wallace 和 Evie Burns,表揚她們過去 兩日的超凡毅力 。