Hebe Jebes Jan/Feb 2014 | Page 24

SLAM Sailing Centre 賽前一天,我們發放紀念品予參賽者,參賽船艇早已運往比 賽船台位置,準備隨時出海。 HEBE HAVEN HKODA NATIONALS 2013 REPORT The day of the event, there were almost 40 volunteers on the water to look after our 50 racers. The day started at 8.00am, when the race management briefed everyone on safety as well as the rundown for the day. 賽事當日,近40名義工照顧我們50名選手, 大會首先向參賽 者講解安全事項及日程表,於8時正式展開比賽。 Words Gregoire Bourrut Lacouture For a big event, such as the Hebe Haven HKODA Nationals 2013, it takes significant preparation. For this event, it all started at the end of November 2012, when Hebe Haven bid to receive the next edition of the Nationals. As a usual practice, the Nationals take turns between all the six squads (HHYC, RHKYC, ABC, HKSS, STA and J-Asia) but a proper bid needs to be submitted to the HKODA members with all the necessary arguments about hoisting possibility and capacity. The acceptance arrived in February 2013, and Rob started immediately to book the entire Club for the event. 品,所有義工則獲贈網球衫,同時所有紀念品均印有本遊艇會 及HKODA 標誌。直至比賽前兩個月,HKODA公佈比賽通知及 報名表,同時印制精美海報掛於本會入口,大家可能於上期會 刊已留意到。 With just one month to go before the event, HHYC prepared the trophies while HKODA registered the entries, membership and the sailing instructions. The banner went up on Pak Sha Wan in front of the HHYC entrance. 若然遇上大型賽事,如 2013 年白沙灣遊艇會 HKODA Nationals大賽,籌備時間則更長。大賽籌備工作其實於白沙灣 遊艇會準備入標投取大賽主辦權,即2012年11月底經已展開, 大賽一直由6大團體輪流主辦(白沙灣遊艇會、香港遊艇會、 香港仔遊艇會、香港航海學校、 STA 及 J-Asia),但投標者需 向HKODA成員提交標書,列舉出主辦單位的優勢及理據,結果 於2013年2月公佈,得知本會中標後,Rob就馬不停蹄為大賽 準備,預訂場地。 With six months to go, we started to prepare the budget and the overall organisation of who was doing what. Soon after the summer, the HKODA members came to Hebe to discuss all the practical details, including the selection of souvenirs for the racers—this year we opted for some T-shirts, caps, bags, Pizza Express vouchers (Regatta Cash Sponsor), event posters, HKODA Nationals stickers for the racers and polo shirts for all the volunteers, all branded HHYC and HKODA. Down to two months until the event, HKODA released the Notice of Race, entry forms and the fantastic poster you all saw for a month at the entrance of the Club and in last month’s issue. 距離大賽尚有半年,我們便開始編制預算,策劃分工﹔炎夏 剛過,HKODA成員就到訪本會商討具體細節,討論參賽者紀念 品事宜,今年我們精選了短袖汗衫、帽、袋、Pizza Express現 金券、活動海報及 HKODA Nationals 大賽貼紙作為參賽者紀念 22 Hebe jebes • Jan/Feb 2014 With one week to go, the sailing instructions were made available. The roster planning for the safety officers, coach boats and beach masters was done, and the number of safety boats, number of coach boats and race management boats were finalised. The day before the event, Fiona and Elberti (from the HKODA) with the help of volunteers packed all the goodies to hand over to each racer. All the boats had been transferred from all the clubs and were getting into position on the slipway. 賽前一個月,本會積極準備獎盃,於會所門前懸掛比賽橫 額﹔ HKODA則專責報名及會員註冊,草擬航行細則。 賽前一星期,一切準備就緒,制定安全主任及沙灘主任輪班 表、以及編定教練船艇、安全船艇及管理賽事船隻數目,同時 把航行細則發放予參賽者。 本遊艇會派出4名助理教練工作人員協助選手推艇出海,大 會嚴格規定所有人士進出場地時,必須於文件及手腕帶簽到, 每名選手亦獲發一條手腕帶,須於賽事完畢後交還沙灘主任 。 In order to have a smooth launch on the water, four AIs from HHYC were on duty to help the sailors. A strict rule was to Sign In/Sign Off on both papers and wrist bands. Each racer was given a band upon launching and had to return it to the beach master at the end of the day. On the water, all the action was tracked by the committee boat, with the racing officer positioning the marks, and the starting sequence gun shots at the finish line with the HKODA team. 海面上,委員會裁判船監控一切,競賽裁判官負責發號施 令,則負責於終點鳴槍終航﹔ 安全船艇負責圍繞比賽航道。 All the safety boats were positioned around the course by Rex and his yellow boat while the race was monitored by Tom Sheppard as the head of the jury. While all the boats were racing, Pearl was preparing the garden bar for the prize-giving, along with the buffet and making sure that all the equipment was working properly. 23