Hebe Jebes Jan/Feb 2014 | Page 20

SLAM Sailing Centre Dragons Squad News Words Gregoire Bourrut Lacouture BEHIND THE SCENES While our big regattas seem like simple operations, due to the smoothness with which they are executed, they are obviously not that simple, and require a lot of careful planning. All the credit goes to Rob Allen and his team from the Sailing Centre. Planning these regattas takes nonstop communication between all the different parties, committees, clubs and, of course, the schools to fix a full-year calendar. It is very important to make sure no dates clash. The Sailing Centre Committee (Simon Robertson, Rob Allen, Roger Wilkinson, Frances Hurley, Tim Duckworth, Donna Warren and myself) gets together once a month to discuss how to improve the Centre and plan the regular club events such as Hebe Race Week, 24-hour Race, HHYC Open regattas, Sailing Open Day, Club Championship, Boogy By the Bay and all other types of events. The Dragons are very pleased to welcome Sorcha White, who joined in October, full of joy and energy. Happy New Year 2014 Dragons! May the wind be with you for this new season in 2014. A new year and new season means new targets and new rankings. Our Hebe fleet is expanding with an upcoming Team B. This past year was full of successes for our Dragons, with bounded team racing and training all the time. They participated in no less than 10 races, a boat pageant, two training camps, more than 400 hours of training on the water, one trip to Macau, four trips to Hong Kong Island, one school race and of course one overnight regatta in October. Last but not least, as written in the last issue, we got a brand new SLAM look! This coming year of 2014 promises to be just as exciting, with interest in our team co ntinuing to grow. Watch the calendar for details on the action to come. Hebe Dragons隊新年快樂!期望新一年風與您們同在﹗踏入 2014年,新賽季開鑼,亦代表全新目標、全新排名﹔隨著B隊 的組成,Hebe Dragons隊亦將日益強大。 回顧去年,Hebe Dragons隊不但如上期所述換上全新SLAM 制服,而且進行密集式比賽及特訓,更參與了不少於10場賽 事、1場選秀大賽、兩個特訓營、逾400小時海上特訓、1次澳 門大賽、4次港島大賽、10月份舉辦了1次兩日一夜校際賽事及 課程等,可謂戰績彪炳! 展望2014年,隨著團隊不斷成長,表現定當更矚目,還請大 家密切留意大賽日期,我們會為您報導最新消息﹗ 18 Hebe jebes • Jan/Feb 2014 Sorcha White (Sail No HKG 307) I am nine years old. I am Irish, but born in HK. I live in Sai Kung and study at Renaissance College in Ma On Shan. I started sailing Picos with my brother at the age of six. When my brother joined the racing team, it looked like so much fun, so I did a summer camp in Optimists and got on to Racing Team B using sail number 1189. Now I have moved on and improved, and I currently sail with Racing Team A using sail number 307. I love Alfred! He is so fun to go out on the water with and is always friendly to others and helps everybody. I hope I will be a great sailor when I grow up and win all sorts of races. Once we have agreed on all the activities, Rob and his team step up to prepare them, together with some extra parents. These preparations include budgeting for an event; preparing the sailing instructions; arranging the safety boats and volunteers; contacting race officers; preparing banners, trophies, and food; and so much more. It usually takes a few weeks to a few months to complete. 若然活動於會所以外地方進行,Alfred需於平日把船艇運往 活動場地(如圖所示,我們於香港仔遊艇會賽事前一週,已把 4艘Lasers艇、1艘Pico艇及9艘 Oppies 艇運往比賽場地), 船艇需先裝上貨車,運往中間島,並於頒獎禮後,把船艇再次 運返白沙灣遊艇會。除此以外,當參賽隊員人數超越私家車 載客上限,我們需安排專車接送隊員,通常於上午8時在會所 集合,駕車前往目的地,然後在賽後接送隊員返回遊艇會,因 此,這類後勤支援工作是相當重要,實有賴您對少年航海發展 基金的傾力支助,我們方能繼續運作。 Dragons 隊熱烈歡迎充滿活力喜悅的新成員 Sorcha White, 於上年十月加入團隊,注入全新動力。 Sorcha White (香港風帆編號 HKG 307) 我今年九歲,原籍愛爾蘭,於香港出生,現居於西貢,於馬 鞍山就讀啟新書院。我6歲開展航海之旅,與兄長參與Picos級 別﹔目暏兄長乘風破浪,好像非常刺激,令我鼓起勇氣報名參 與Optimists夏令營,並以風帆編號1189入選B隊﹔如今我技術 日漸成熟,更以風帆編號307入選A隊﹗與Alfred出海可謂樂趣 無窮,他待人友善,經常協助其他隊員,我相當敬愛他﹗我希 望將來會成為出類拔萃的運動員,百戰百勝 。 For an event outside of the Club, Alfred needs to arrange the transportation of the boats during the week (as seen in the pictures from the week before the ABC race, with the four Lasers, one Pico and nine Oppies). The boats need to be loaded onto a truck and then towed to Middle Island. On Sunday, after the prize-giving, the process is repeated as the boats are brought back to Hebe Haven. We also need to arrange a bus, as the team is too big for a private car, and arrange to have the team picked up at 8.00am at Hebe and driven back in the evening. All this would not be possible without your help and donations to the Development Fund For Youth Sailing which supports all of the logistics. 雖然我們舉辦的風帆大賽相當順利,看來籌備簡單,其實殊 不容易,需精心策劃,Rob Allen 及航海中心負責團隊可謂居功 至偉,他們不斷與各團體、各委員會、各遊艇會及學校溝通, 制定全年賽事日期,確保賽事不會「撞期」。航海中心委員會 (Simon Robertson, Rob Allen, Roger Wilkinson, Frances Hurley, Tim Duckworth, Donna Warren 及本人)每月聚會,討論改善中 心方法,計劃定期遊艇會活動,如Hebe 比賽週、 24小時慈善小 艇賽、白沙灣遊艇會公開賽、開放日、遊艇會錦標賽、Boogy By the Bay 及其他各類活動﹔一旦我們同意舉辦活動,Rob 與 團隊就會加緊籌備,聯同家長義工開展各項準備工作,當中 包括:編制預算、準備航行細則、安排安全小艇及志願者當 值、聯絡競賽裁判官、準備海報橫額、獎盃及食物等,準備期 往往需時數個星期至數個月不等。 19