Cruising Kate
Ung Kong Wan (Vase Bay)
Latitude 22 20.7N Longitude 114 21.2 E: on the
north-western tip of Bluff Island. Local charts
for Hong Kong waters—page 98.
Number four in a series of places to take your boat (or canoe
or anything that floats) for the day.
The vase-like indent on the northern side of Bluff Island is
remarkably sheltered in most weathers. It used to be a favourite
BBQ site of Kate’s, and we often had water fights and played silly
games in our tenders, resulting mostly in tipping ourselves out
and swimming in and out to the shore, towing our waterlogged
craft behind. This gives an indication of how nice the beach is
and how small the swell. There are several areas that are great
for BBQs and the beach is big enough for games and even for
making sandcastles. The beach has become rightly more popular
in recent years, and now you must be early to beat the crowds.
The Bay may be safely approached from any direction, yet note
that the small, rather nasty reef of Wai Kap Pai—with its surfacebreaking rocks in very low tides—is to the NNW about 0.4nm.
The police launches often seem to loiter/park there almost as if it
is a floating marine police station as it offers good visibility of the
whole of Rocky Harbour.
Taking the shortest route from HHYC, it will take you about an
hour to an hour and a half at an average speed of 6 knots. For
yachts under sail in the winter monsoon, you will probably have to
tack a few times from Table Island, and the sea can often be a bit
bumpy near and just past Cham Pai/Jin Island, which will make
the journey a little longer. If this swell is unpleasant, or an issue, the
return trip through the channel to the north side of Kau Sai Chau
is always pleasant. There are no hidden dangers on the way or
close by, just head out east, leave Table Island well to your south
and, at Cham Pai (southern tip of Jin Island), the north-western
tip of the Bay is on the nose 0.5nm at 080.
The anchoring is good on the south-eastern side, clear right to
the three metre line. There are rocks close in on the western side
and to the north. These are below the obvious vegetation and
very close to the shoreline.
Do take a few beach games, a picnic and possibly a big sun