SLAM Sailing Centre
Thanks to the Sailing Centre staff for all
their efforts in 2013
Words Rob Allen
I would like to say a huge
thank you to all the staff at the
Sailing Centre for their efforts
during 2013. It has been another
extremely busy year at the Club
for the sailing staff. The team have
been instrumental in enabling the
Centre to operate smoothly whilst
organising and coordinating a
variety of different courses and
events on a monthly basis.
ABC Southside Regatta
30 November & 1 December
Sailing Centre training wall
If you have passed by the Centre in recent weeks, you may
have noticed the new addition to the Sailing Centre’s wall. We are
delighted to now have a visual training mural for the staff who are
running training courses and events at the Centre. This not only
brightens up our training area, but has also been extremely beneficial
to everyone when running briefings and debriefings during group
sessions. Thanks to Bowie for doing a great job and creating this
masterpiece for us to use at the Centre.
員教練,以協助中心提供培訓課程,並為 2014 年賽季做準備。
Well done to all the Hebe Dragons sailors who made it to
the Southside Regatta a few weeks ago.
Alfie took our team of Optimist & Laser sailors to
participate in and enjoy the annual weekend-long regatta
which was hosted by the Aberdeen Boat Club over at Middle
• 年齡介乎14歲或以上
• 擁有航海能力,至少達香港帆船運動總會的風帆技術改良
• 享受團體生活,熱愛與入門選手交流
• 熱衷學習
• 致力提升個人技能
The team members have always been most willing to go the
extra mile to ensure the Centre operates at the highest levels
possible, and I have been delighted to receive regular positive
feedback on our individual staff from both members and other
users of the Centre.
Congratulations to Antonio Franco for finishing 3rd in the
Laser 4.7 and Ian Duncan for finishing 3rd in the Laser Pico
Divisions at the Southside Regatta.
熱烈恭賀 Hebe Dragons 選手於數週前舉辦的大賽表現出色﹗
Alfie成功帶領Optimist & Laser團隊出戰是次由香港仔遊艇會
藉此恭賀 Antonio Franco 於 Laser 4.7 組別勇奪季軍﹔Ian
Duncan 亦於 Laser Pico 組別勇奪季軍,可謂雙喜臨門﹗
Well done to you all, and I hope you have time to enjoy, relax
and recover a little during the winter months.
Assistant Instructor Training Course
2014—8, 9 & 22 March (AITC)
Hebe Dragons Optimist Sailors
Once again, we will be running our annual Assistant Instructor
Training programme, in order to provide the Sailing Centre with a
new generation of young staff from our membership to assist the
Centre with its training courses and events for the 2014 season.
The course is both theory and practical based and,
consequently, it is always an extremely beneficial weekend for any
young sailors looking to work at the Centre, learn new skills and
become part of the sailing team.