Club Development Forum
Words Mark Ashton
A members’ forum was held at the Club on Tuesday 19
November to provide information regarding the lease renewal
process and future club development.
Simon Robertson
Sailing Centre - Committee Chairman
Happy New Year to all.
Santa arrived early at the SLAM Sailing Centre with a
delivery of eight new Picos to complement the fleet of
dinghies currently being used by the Club. These new dinghies will
be commissioned in the new year and available to all members
who wish to sail a stable—yet fun—dinghy.
The Club hosted the HK Optimist National Championships over
the weekend of 7 and 8 December. The event, coordinated and
run by the Sailing Centre staff and volunteers, was a huge success.
Thank you to all involved in making the regatta one that many
young sailors of Hong Kong will remember.
January and February will bring colder conditions to Hong Kong
and, usually, only the bravest of sailors or the Hebe Dragons are
out on the water. This quiet period of time allows the Centre to
carry out much-needed maintenance and repairs to the fleets.
Whilst the maintenance work is being carried out, there will still
be dinghies available for those who wish to continue to sail during
the colder months.
Many will have noticed that the SLAM Sailing Centre has been
moved—a necessary requirement of the Club’s lease renewal
process—but don’t despair; the staff are still on club premises.
The Centre’s staff will be relocating to inside the refurbished offices
of the Club, so feel free to drop in to book a course or organise
to hire a dinghy and brave the colder-weather sailing conditions.
Fair winds.
本會於12月7、8日舉辦HKODA Nationals大賽,賽事取得空
一、二月寒氣襲港,只有 Hebe Dragons 隊渾身是膽的選手
Members of the working group formed to lead this were
introduced as follows:
Mr C.K. Chan, Vice Commodore
Mr Philip Boothroyd, Past Commodore
Mr Peter Weiley, Past Rear Commodore
Mr Cameron Hestler, General Committee member
Mr Michael Randall, Past Hon. General Secretary
The position of the Club was explained, namely that it has gained
approval in principle for lease renewal with support from the Home
Affairs Bureau via the District Lands Conference. At this stage, in
accordance with policy directive from the Development Bureau,
the club property must be rendered compliant with its original
lease conditions prior to renewal.
As membership and services have expanded over the years,
a number of facilities such as boat racks, container facilities and
awnings have been added. Some of these were not considered at
the time to be ‘structures’ as defined by the Buildings Department.
Some high-profile news stories on the issue of illegal structures
have prompted a tightening of these matters, which extended to
the point of the Building Department declaring our dockside notice
board to be a ‘structure’.
Vice Commodore C.K. Chan has been in close contact with
the authorities to plot a way forward. This will enable the Club to
progressively remove and re-provision affected facilities.
Mr C.K. Chan, 副會長
Mr Philip Boothroyd, 前會長
Mr Peter Weiley, 前助理會長
Mr Cameron Hestler, 執行委員會成員
Mr Michael Randall, 前名譽秘書
10 Hebe jebes • Jan/Feb 2014
副會長C.K. Chan 一直與當局保持緊密聯繫,商議可行方案,
The future?
Cameron Hestler is working with the Operations Committee
and management, leading an exercise to capture the near-term
outlook for club development—incorporating the re-provisioning
requirements. This will take the form of concept plan layouts, which
we will share at a future forum.
In parallel with this, replacement of the electricity supply
substation is a priority project alongside re-provisioning the boat
racks. We will move quickly to complete designs and seek the
Building Department’s approval for these items.
Design of the new Sailing Centre-cum-entrance/marine offices/
workshop area will take longer to complete. In the interim