Hebe Jebes Dec/Nov 2013 | Page 41

Reports Eric L. Stark Rear Commodore - Operations As we come up to autumn again there are a few interesting pieces to note. Four new additional cameras covering the north and south pontoons have been installed. This will give better security and assistance coverage to the pontoon areas. It will also complete this phase of security camera installation and give the Club a better overall view of what is happening. The security system is designed to accommodate storage of the recorded areas for up to a one-month period. As usual, we suspended the boatyard service and reshuffled boats on the hardstand and on moorings to accommodate the 24-hr race. We are also using this reshuffle to look at how we can improve our boat-launching services as well as try to find more areas for additional member boats in our ongoing effort to reduce the waiting list and time. We did have a few spots open up with the removal of several unused boats in the racking system and I would like to encourage members to either actively use their boats or give up the spots to members who are waiting on the lists. There have been continued complaints of commercial activities in the marina area and I would urge caution to all members to please follow the bye-laws of the Club as these activities are forbidden. If you have questions of what is and is not allowed please feel free to have a chat with our Marine Manager, Mr Ale Shek or Ms Sarah Wong in the Marine Office who I am sure will be happy to help explain in further detail. There have also been complaints of boats being tied up in the pontoon areas of the marina, both by members and non-members. With the addition of the new cameras, we are looking to be more proactive on policing this in the near future. We hope you have an enjoyable and safe time on the water. 8 Hebe jebes • NOV/DEC 2013 Nicole Arnulphy Rear Commodore - Sailing 踏入秋季,本會又有新動向,還請大家留意︰ 首先,我們已完成本階段的保安攝錄機安裝工程,添置了四 台攝錄機,其拍攝範圍覆蓋南北浮橋,全面提升保安,本會亦 因而有能力存儲最多一個月的攝錄影像。 一如以往,我們暫停船廠吊船服務,並更改浮泡及岸上船位 位置,以應付24小時慈善小艇賽﹔我們亦籍此研究改善快艇落 水服務方法,並嘗試增闢地方容納更多船艇,減少輪候冊人數 以及等候時間。雖然成功遷除在儲船架上未被使用的船艇後, 增添了不少空間,但我們仍希望各會員能善用資源,或退回相 關船位,讓其他在輪候冊上久候多時的會員有機會使用。 近日我們收到不少投訴,指責有人在碼頭區域從事商業 活動,我重申本會禁止相關活動,並藉此敦促各會員遵照本會 細則,如您有任何疑問,歡迎隨時與本會海事部經理Ale Shek 或Sarah Wong女士聯絡,我們樂意解答。 另外,有人投訴指責有會員及非會員把船艇綁在碼頭浮 橋上,我冀望新添置的攝錄機能提升部門執法效率,改善 情況。 最後,謹祝大家揚帆出海,風調雨順﹗ After thirty-five years of sailing out of the Hebe Haven Yacht Club I felt it was time for me to step up and give back to a Club that has given me so much. I have fond memories of cruising with my parents on Sundays, sailing toppers with my friends on Saturday mornings and playing games of Hide and Seek around the boat yard. Eight years ago, I met the then Rear Commodore of Sailing, Gault Rice, and he invited me to race with him on Struan. This is where Simon Blore taught me how to do foredeck! Since then I have had some amazing cruising and racing experiences on a huge range of boats and now I am delighted to serve the Club. I cannot do it alone and have been truly blessed with a wonderful sailing committee with great people who represent so many different groups of sailors throughout the Club. This year’s Sail Com. includes Bridget Chan, Chris Austin, Colm Anderson, Elaine Goddard-Tame, Pete McCaffery, Rob Winter and Simon Jones. Coming up we have the UK Sailmakers Winter Saturday Series, which will consist of two races in the afternoon on alternate Saturdays during November and December. Sailors are invited to participate in the whole series or individual races, as they prefer. If you are keen to see what goes on during the races, then why not volunteer to do assistant race officer duty. This is where you spend the afternoon on the Frasier Doig helping the Race Officer to keep track of the racing and results. For more information contact the sailing office at [email protected]. I am very open to input and feedback, so if you have any thoughts, ideas or comments please feel free to email them to me at [email protected]. And finally, I would like to thank CK and his team for all the hard work they have put into sailing at our Club over the past two years. 回顧三十五年航海生涯,白沙灣遊艇會給予我的美好回憶 多不勝數 ― 週日與父母揚帆出海,週六清晨與朋友出海玩捉 迷藏 ― 還記得八年前,我有幸認識當時海事運動助理會長 Gault Rice,他邀請我與他比賽,並在Simon Blore教曉我做 foredeck 的Struan遊艇上作賽!自此以後,我累積不少航海作 賽的寶貴經驗,並希望能回饋遊艇會。 我有幸獲得遊艇會委員會成員的大力支持,包括︰Bridget Chan、Chris Austin、Colm Anderson、 Elaine GoddardTame、Pete McCaffery、Rob Winter 及Simon Jones,令我 能克盡己職,為遊艇會服務。 此外,英國冬季航海星期六大賽系列(UK Sails Winter Saturday Series)即將展開,初訂於11月至12月期間毎兩個週六就舉辦 兩場下午賽事,會員可選擇報名參加「單一賽」或「大賽總名 次賽」。如果您對賽事感興趣,可考慮報名成為志願助理賽 事官,在欣賞賽事之餘,亦可在Frasier Doig遊艇上協助記錄比 賽結果,如欲了解詳情,可電郵至[email protected]。 如您有任何想法或意見, 請隨時電郵至[email protected], 我很樂意聽取您的意見。 最後,我藉此機會向CK及其團隊致謝,他們過去兩年一直為 遊艇會付出,