Hebe Jebes Dec/Nov 2013 | Page 12

sail Training HKODA Sailing Centre News Hong Kong Optimist Dinghy Association Hebe Dragons(Optimist隊 及 Lasers隊)再次前往馬來西亞 海岸接受季前特訓,並參加一年一度的浮羅交怡國際帆船賽。 特訓營對備賽非常重要,能專注多方面培訓及強化團隊 精神,過去亦幫助過不少學員以個人名義、Hebe Dragons團 隊名義、以及白沙灣遊艇會名義備戰全港大小賽事,亦為參與 國際賽事的會員提供鍛鍊機會。 獲邀參與特訓營的選手均為本會高潛質、對航海賽事充滿熱 誠的選手。 Words Rob Allen, Sailing Centre Manager The upcoming events for the HKODA ranking will be the following races so mark your calendar. Location The team will fly to Langkawi, Malaysia, to take advantage of the fantastic facilities at the Langkawi Sail Training Centre. The sailors will charter boats that are in good condition and will use the Optimist and Laser dinghies for the duration of the trip. The warm waters and fresh winds are ideal to train the squad in conditions that will allow the coach to maximise the time on and off the water during the winter months when it may not be as ideal to sail here in Hong Kong. 地點 團隊將前往馬來西亞浮羅交怡,利用浮羅交怡航海訓練中心 內頂級設施進行特訓。選手會使用優質小艇進行練習,其間亦 會使用私家艇進行特訓﹔相比香港冬季,當地海水溫暖,風勢 清勁,對集訓相當有利,教練可充分利用這幾個 月時間進行特 訓,如果在香港集訓,反而會受天氣所限,效果未必理想。 Dragons Team A & B training Taking the sailors off to a very different environment and sailing location is hugely beneficial to both the individual and the team. The sailors have an opportunity to truly bond and build a team spirit that will help them upon their return to Hong Kong and in representing Hebe Haven Yacht Club in regattas and events. The coach and team manager have the perfect opportunity to spend dedicated hours with sailors on and off the water, instilling both the physical and mental discipline required for competitive racing. In order to build up competitiveness, Alfred will now run a weekly regatta during training, and a monthly one with a minimum of three races. There will be a monthly ranking which will also include the official races. There will be the following handicap (low point ranking) according to each event: • Weekly/Monthly Regatta: 1 • HHYC Regatta (ex-HHYC winter race/ABC/RHKYC race which are not HKODA): 0.75 • HKODA Regatta (next one will be ABC): 0.5 • Nationals Regatta: 0.25 Only the 10 best sailors will make it onto Team A. The others will be sailing and training in Team B until the next ranking (every three months). The top three sailors in Team A will be able to choose their own boat name.The top four Hebe sailors in the Hebe Haven HKODA Nationals 2013 will also be allowed to name their boats. 參與特訓營有何優勢? • ABC Southside Regatta: 30 November & 1 December 2013 at Middle Island • HKODA National Championships­ 7 – 8 December in : Port Shelter • The new ranking after the HKSF International Regatta is (all under 12): Arthur Hainz 11th, Timothée Bourrut Lacouture 15th, Zoe Bruwer 16th, Nathan Turner 25th, Sorcha Whyte 28th, Nicolle Scholer 29th, Alan Chan 32nd, Hannah Warren 33rd, Jasmine Scholer 36th and Bincker Uiterwall 37th. 香港OP 級帆船協會即將舉辦的名次賽如下︰ • ABC Southside Regatta— 2013年11月30日及12月1日, 熨波洲 • HKODA National Championships—12月7至8日, 牛尾海 • HKSF International Regatta大賽後最新排名(12歲以 下組別)︰第11位︰Arthur Hainz, 第15位︰Timothée Bourrut Lacouture, 第16位︰Zoe Bruwer, 第25位︰ Nathan Turner, 第28位︰Sorcha Whyte, 第29位︰Nicolle Scholer, 第32位︰ Alan Chan, 第33位︰ Hannah Warren, 第36位︰ Jasmine Scholer, 第37位︰Bincker Uiterwall Hebe Haven SLAM Sailing Centre partnership 2013 We are delighted to officially announce that our partnership with SLAM has been signed and sealed. After months of on-going communications and discussions, we have the pleasure of officially becoming the Hebe Haven SLAM Sailing Centre. You will notice the rebranding of the Sailing Centre has now taken place, with a number of exciting plans currently coming into the Club and Sailing Centre. The Hebe Dragons Team are now looking very smart and professional out on the water, as you will see from recent photos or time spent at the Club on one of the training days. New staff uniforms and safety equipment has also brought the look of the Sailing Centre in line with the high expectations that we have, and there have been many positive comments from people about the new look at the Sailing Centre. Hopefully, over the winter months, we will set up a club merchandise shop for everyone to purchase the numerous items that SLAM has to help you kit out for your sailing on both dinghies and yachts, as well as Hebe Haven-branded items such as memorabilia for friends and family. Watch this space for updates. Dragons Team A 隊及 B隊特訓︰ What are the benefits of this training camp? 把選手遷離固定環境到外地訓練,個人與團隊都受益匪淺, 選手能互相增進了解,建立友誼及團隊精神,有助回港後以團 隊身份作賽。 教練及團隊經理亦可專心訓練選手,經常與選手一起,有助 培訓紀律及灌輸正確心態,為競爭激烈的大賽做準備。 18 Hebe jebes • NOV/DEC 2013 為加強競爭力,Alfred將於特訓期間,每週舉行帆船賽, 毎月舉辦一場大賽,當中最少有三場賽事,亦會按月排名, 正式比賽成績亦包括在內,每項賽事會按下表調節排名得分 (低分排名制): • 每週 ∕ 毎月帆船賽:1分 • 白沙灣遊艇會大賽(上次白沙灣遊艇會冬季大賽∕ABC∕ 未被列入香港OP 級帆船協會的香港遊艇會大賽):0.75分 • 香港OP 級帆船協會大賽(下一個是ABC):0.5分 • Nationals帆船賽:0.25分 白沙灣SLAM航海中心2013合作協議 我們很高興宣佈與SLAM正式簽訂合作協議。 經過多月來磋商,我們正式成為白沙灣SLAM航海中心。 您可能會留意到本會已逐漸更替名牌,本會亦密鑼緊鼓, 策劃一系列活動。 Hebe Dragons隊訓練時醒目團結,您可從相片略知一二, 或親身到本會體驗訓練的苦與樂。 全新員工制服及安全設備為航海中心帶來煥然一新的面貌, 除了獲得大家正面評價外,更符合本會厚望。 冀望我們能在冬季完成興建商品店,讓大家有機會購買白 沙灣SLAM航海中心商品,為您的遊艇及小艇添置航海設備, 把刻有本會標誌的紀念品送給親友。 請大家密切注視最新動向。 19