Hebe Jebes Dec/Nov 2013 | Page 9

sail Training Dragons Squad News Words Gregoire Bourrut Lacouture Arthur Hainz Jasmine Scholer Top (left to right): Arthur Hainz, Alfred, and Hannah Warren Bottom (left to right): Alan Chan, Sorcha Whyte, Jasmine Scholer, Timothée Bourrut Lacouture, Zoe Bruwer and Nicolle Scholer The new season is now well under way, with the Dragons having already competed in two major events: the ABC Sunseeker Opening Regatta and the HKSF International Regatta. The Dragons were also busy taking part in the Hebe Race Week and the famous 24-hr Charity Race. For the Dragons, this new season means the start of the new partnership with SLAM—more information below. Alan Chan 新賽季正式開鑼,Dragons隊已完成兩項大賽︰ABC Sunseeker Opening Regatta 和 the HKSF International Regatta,隊員忙於為Hebe 比賽週及24小時慈善小艇賽備戰, 新賽季亦意味著Dragons隊首次以白沙灣SLAM航海中心名義 披甲上陣,稍後會有詳細報導。 SLAM partnership Hannah Warren Timothée Bourrut Lacouture You may have noticed a great deal of SLAM flags around the Club and, since mid-September, all our racers have been sporting a complete uniform including rash top, skiff shorts and a life jacket. Later in the year, they will receive their winter uniform as well as their out-of-water uniform. We urge them to take good care of their kits and wear them for both training and racing. We look forward to seeing them on the water with their complete gear! 自9月中旬以來,您可能已留意到本會內外飄揚著SLAM旗幟,選手亦以統一制服出賽,包括上衣、短褲及救生衣,稍後,他們會 獲發冬季制服及出水制服。我們懇請各位善待制服,無論在訓練或比賽時,都要穿著整齊制服﹗我們熱切期待各位為本會披甲上陣﹗ 12 Hebe jebes • NOV/DEC 2013 Sorcha Whyte Zoe Bruwer Nicolle Scholer 13