Hebe Jebes 2015 Issue SEP/OCT | Page 28

CLUB MATTERS Ale Shek Marine Operations Facilities maintenance The Kobelco Crane will be taken out of service for replacement of the outriggers. To minimise any disruption, we have scheduled this maintenance during the 24hr Charity Dinghy Race—when the boatyard is closed. We are also in the process of replacing the wooden marina fenders along the side of the pontoons— for completion by the end of August. Mooring inspections We will be conducting our annual inspections of Club swing moorings in November 2015. Members using private moorings who wish to have their moorings checked at the same time can contact the Marine Office before 31 October. Hardstands Please note that hardstands are only provided for the storage of registered vessels. They must not be used for storing any other items such as dinghies, kayaks, RIBs, diesel drums, etc. In order to maintain a safe and accessible area, the Marine Department will remove and may, without prior notice, dispose of any such items left in the hardstands. Boat crew cards Many members hire a boat boy or boat crew to help look after their vessels—for security reasons, members must notify the Marine Office immediately if there are any changes to their registered boat crew. If crew members leave, owners are responsible for returning the relevant boat crew card(s) to the Marine Office. Registration of tenders Please note that tenders (‘ancillary vessels’ as defined by MarDep which are not over 4m in overall length and with engines, if fitted, that do not exceed 7.5 kilowatts total propulsion power) must be endorsed on the relevant Pleasure Vessel’s Certificate of Ownership. To meet these MarDep 26 HEBE JEBES • SEP/OCT 2015 requirements, the ancillary vessel must also be shown on the relevant Pleasure Vessel’s insurance certificate. If you have a tender but do not have a mother vessel—then the tender has to be registered in its own right with MarDep in the same way as any other pleasure vessel. 設施維護 起重機將在支架更換期間暫時停止服務。為了盡量減低對會員 的影響,我們已經安排有關工程在24小時慈善帆船賽(24hr Charity Dinghy Race)當船廠關閉時進行。我們在八月底也會 完成更換浮橋防撞木邊的替換工程 ,不便之處敬請原諒。 船艇停泊位檢查 為了會所的停泊位能夠在安全情況下使用,相關的檢查工作將 於十一月份進行。使用私人停泊位的會員,如希望你的停泊位 同時進行檢查,請在10月31日前與海事辦公室聯絡。 岸上泊位 敬請各會員注意,在岸上泊位範圍,不可儲存或存放其他雜 物,如:橡皮艇、獨木舟、電油桶等,以免阻塞通道及影響他 人。如發現任何雜物,本會海事辦公室職員將自行處理而不作 另行通知,敬請注意。 水手証 很多會員會聘請水手打理其船隻,如更換水手,請會員必須通 知海事辦公室及取消水手証並交還到海事辦公室,多謝合作。 接駁艇註冊安排 再一次提醒各位會員,按海事處規定,接駁艇的船身總長度及 引擎匹數不可超過4米及7.5千瓦。如超過有關限制,會員必須 要向海事處申請有關牌照。為了滿足這些要求,接駁艇必須顯 示相關保險證明。如果你只有接駁艇,但沒有一個母船,會員 必須以相同的方式為接駁艇向海事處註冊。 For more details see the club circular 詳情請參閱: http://www.hhyc.org.hk/admin/upload/201209061658320.pdf