Hebe Jebes 2015 Issue SEP/OCT | Page 10

REPORTS REPORTS Lisa Keatley General Manager (Acting) The following two months see the Club’s calendar full with various events both on and off the water. For the month of September, we will be showing the Rugby World Cup and, as an introduction—prior to its start on 18 September—we have organised another Quiz night, with the theme of ‘A question of Sport’. Clean Pak Sha Wan Day comes next on 19 September. We will continue our Friday night barbecues every second Friday and have also scheduled several wine tastings on Fridays during the next couple of months. Moving into October, we have organised a seafood jazz brunch with live music from the Heroes on Sunday 4 October preceded by our ever popular Art Jam, Darts and Wine and Cheese evening on 3 October. Following various requests, we have recently purchased towels which are available for daily rental so please enquire at the bar if you would like to use one. Unfortunately there will be a penalty charge if they are not returned to the Club. Commodore during my last year as General Manager in 2007, as mentioned on page 54, Philip made a great contribution to the development of the Club during his tenure on committees and I for one will miss his practical advice on various technical issues that the Club deals with. As part of our environmental initiatives in an effort to reduce our harmful impacts on the environment, we intend to implement a range of measures particularly to help us reduce the amount of plastic we use and other necessary waste. As a first step, we are endeavouring to minimise and eventually eliminate the use of straws and stirrers. With plastic straws being in the top ten most common plastic trash found in our oceans, we will only provide them on demand and not automatically as now, so please support this drive. At the same time in the evenings, we will also be replacing single-serve butter, which is currently packaged in individual containers, with olive oil and balsamic vinegar in order to reduce our wastage in this respect. 在接下來的兩個月,本會的活動行事曆將充斥著各式各樣的活 動,無論在水裡或水外。 在九月,我們將會播放欖球世界盃賽事(Rugby World Cup)。為此,我們在賽事開始前於9月18日舉辦另一場問答 之夜(Quiz Night),主題為「體育問題」。 清潔白沙灣日(Clean Pak Sha Wan Day)將在9月19日舉 行。我們會繼續在第二個星期五舉辦週五燒烤夜,亦計劃在接 下來數個月的星期五舉辦數場品酒會。 隨著十月來臨,我們會在10月4日舉辦海鮮爵士早午餐 (Seafood Jazz Brunch),並請來Heroes即場送上音樂。 緊接而來的是在10月3日備受歡迎的自助繪畫(Art Jam) 、飛鏢、美酒及芝士之夜(Darts and Wine and Cheese Evening)。 我們亦向Philip Boothroyd的家人致上慰問。誠如第 54頁所述,在2007年,亦是我最後一年擔任總經理 時,Philip為前委員會會長。Philip在任職委員會期間, 對本會的發展作出極大貢獻。我將會懷念他在各種本會 面對的技術問題上給予的意見。 為致力減少對環境的有害影響,我們打算落實一系列 的環保措施,特別幫助我們減少使用塑膠和其他必要 的浪費。第一步,我們正努力把飲管及攬拌棒的使用 量減至最低,甚至最後為零。由於塑膠飲管為海洋中 十大常見塑膠垃圾之一,我們只會在特別要求下方提 供飲管,不再如現時般自動提供。請支持我們此行 動。同時,我們也將用橄欖油和香醋以取代晚餐盒中 的獨立包裝牛油,務求在此方面減少浪費。 最後,我要感謝Mark Ashton在擔任本會委員會會長的 兩年期間作出貢獻。 在徇眾要求下,我們最近購入毛巾以供平日租賃之用。如有 需要,請向服務櫃台查詢。惟倘若未能歸還毛巾,我們將收 取費用。 Finally, I would like to thank Mark Ashton for his contribution during his two-year tenure as Comm