New Dragon—Sean Ian Liu
Hi, I’m Sean Liu. I joined the HKSF Festival of Sports 2015
regatta last weekend. I set off from home to Hebe with a huge
back pack. The Hebe Dragon Racing Team planned to spend
the night camping in the Scout Association Pak Sha Wan Sea
Activity Centre.
I completed two races on the first sailing day, I was all tired then
we had to set up the tents for the night.
The girls slept in an indoor stage while the boys slept in tents
on the lawn. The setting–up of my tent was extra tricky. The
connecting bongee cord for the segmented supporting poles
was broken. They always disconnected in the middle while we
tried to assemble the tent, but we finally made it.
Afterwards we ordered a large pizza from Sai Kung for dinner.
I went to bed at around 10.40pm and woke up at 5.02am.
It was quiet all night.
Words Sean Ian Liu
At 6.40am I checked if the girls were still sleeping and yes,
they were!
On the second day, I entered the first race but rested
through the second one. In the third race, I capsized for
fun because I couldn’t catch up with the other racers. Then
Timothee’s Dad came along and help me out. In Race 1,
someone bashed into Gabriella then she capsized and a
jellyfish was right under the boat. How scary! When she
brought the boat back up, the bearing for her mast cracked
and the rest of her racing day was finished.
At the end of the day I came 58th in the rankings. Even though I
got nothing in the prize giving ceremony, I had great fun!