Nicole Arnulphy
Rear Commodore - Sailing
Our AGM is just around the corner on Friday 11 September, so
this may be the last time I write to update you all on what we
have been doing to support our sailing activities. Over the past
three years, when I have been on the general committee, two
of these as Rear Commodore - Sailing, we have seen many
changes both in staffing and in the physical state of the Club,
with the boat racks coming down and speedboats and car
parking having to share much of the Club’s sought-after space
being the most noticeable. I am delighted to say that throughout
this period, yacht racing, cruising, boating and dinghy sailing
have remained our primary focus and purpose.
As you read this at the end of summer racing, both the UK
Sailmakers Summer Saturday Series and The Quest Yachting
Typhoon Series will be wrapped up. Between these two major
events, we have had over 70 entries and over 400 sailors
participating in Hebe Haven Yacht Club yacht racing. After
the Sails East Port Shelter Regatta, to be held on H