Hebe Jebes 2015 Issue NOV/DEC | Page 36

N SPECIAL REPORT SPECIAL REPORT W E S Europa the search continues efforts continue to locate boat and crew missing since typhoon Mujigae Words Paul Arkwright Having considered the most probable areas being searched and the extremely low possibility of locating any survivor, the search operation will be suspended on 15 October pending further new development of the case. HK MRCC will continue to advise vessels in the vicinity by shipping broadcast to maintain sharp lookout and report any sighting of survivor. Please be noted that this is last Sitrep on the subject.” Search efforts were still ongoing at the time of going to press, with Unilab plane making sorties over the last known location of Europa. On 15 October the Hong Kong Marine Rescue Coordinating Committee (HK MRCC) sent out the last Hong Kong Government Flight Service (GFS) flight to search for Allen, Brian, Harry, Robin, Rudy and the Europa. Here is the exact wording, verbatim, of the announcement, as received by a relative of the crew. “The consular officials have been advised by the Hong Kong authorities that they suspended the SAR operation. They have advised that: 1. The search has been an exhaustive and extensive one, since 6 Oct. HK authorities stated that they firmly believe they have done all they can. 2. The survivability after 10 days of searching is, they are confident, zero; particularly given the severity of weather that the yacht would have experienced according to the EPIRB data and the track of last week’s storm. 3. They have not had EPIRB signal for a very long time, which means that the search area has now got too large to search with any remaining certainty. Please find the last Sitrep below. Sitrep 21:00h on 14 October Sincere thanks to Apa Ongpi n and Jerry R kindly forwar ollin for ding transcri pts from the Marine Rescu Hong Kong e Coordinatin g Committee Hong Kong G (HK MRCC), over Philippine Coa nment Flight Service (GF S) and the st Guard deta iling the resc to date. All in ue efforts formation in th is report is pr reference purp ovided for oses only. Ple ase note that guarantee th we cannot e accuracy of any informat this report. ion provided in 34 HEBE JEBES • NOV/DEC 2015 Further to the sitrep at 15:00h, GFS tasked out another air sortie in this afternoon. The SAR aircraft was on scene at 14:50h and off scene at 18:00h. Together with the area cove ɕ