Hebe Jebes 2015 Issue NOV/DEC | Page 48

SUSTAINABILITY SUSTAINABILITY Clean Pak Sha Wan in Day Wo rd Pa u lA rkw rig ht, Ch air, Su sta ina bil ity Co mm itte e, H HY C Clean Pak Sha Wan Day 2015 1.5 8 12 202 300kg 18,000 5 Saturday 19 September was a day to remember— aimed at including the local community, as well as Club members, in a joint operation to clean up local beaches, raise environmental awareness and instil sustainability values in tomorrow’s sea users (aka the kids). The Clean Pak Sha Wan Day 2015 event attracted 202 volunteers who were given a safety briefing, armed with rubbish bags, rakes, sieves and wicker baskets and sent off (after donning PFDs) via ribs to clean up seven beaches and the surrounding trails around Pak Sha Wan. Luckily we had quite calm weather on the day, so the approaches to the beaches were not too difficult and volunteers jumped from the ribs and made their way across the rubbish-strewn beaches. Early in the day it was quite an eyesore—the beaches I mean, not the volunteers! 9月19日星期六是一個難忘的日子,我們的會 員聯同當區人士攜手清潔海灘,喚起關注環保 的意識,以及向未來的海灘使用者(即是孩子 們)灌輸可持續發展的觀念。清潔白沙灣日活 動吸引了202位義工參與。他們聽取安全簡介 後,手持垃圾袋、耙、篩和籃子,便坐橡皮 艇出發去清理白沙灣一帶7個海灘和附近的步 行徑。幸運地當日天氣穩定,很容易就到了 海灘,義工們立即跳出橡皮艇前往佈滿垃圾 的海灘。那天稍早的時候,景象確實有點礙 眼——我是指海灘,不是義工們! The total number of tonnes of rubbish collected that day 收集了共1.5噸垃圾 The total number of beaches cleaned that day (plus hiking trails too!) 清潔了8個沙灘及行山徑 The number of safety briefings that day 進行了12場安全簡介 The number of volunteers who took boats out to help clean up beaches that day 合共202位義工坐船出海清理白沙灣一帶海灘 The weight of plastic bottles and cans collected and sent for recycling that day 收集並回收了300公斤膠樽和廢罐 The total number of plastic bottles and cans collected that day 當日總共收集了18,000個膠樽和廢罐 The number of seconds it took me to fall fast asleep when I got home that night 當天晚上我回家後只用了5秒便睡着 46 HEBE JEBES • NOV/DEC 2015 47