Cruising comments
Now that the autumn months are upon us, the cruising season
really starts to take off with those beautiful cool nights perfect
for a cockpit barbecue and overnight stay in a quiet bay. Best
of all, the hoards of party junks start to thin out, leaving the best
bays and beaches to ourselves, so get out there while you can!
Several Hebe boats joined the DBYC’s 10-year anniversary Soko’s
under the Stars over the weekend of 17 – 18 October. There was
live music, a light show, barbecue on the beach, campfire songs
and tall tales. This was a truly fantastic weekend in a magical place,
so if you missed it this year put it in your diary for next year.
Looking forwards to 28 November, HHYC will hold our second
Dawn ‘til Dusk Challenge, which involves competing for the fastest
clockwise lap of Kau Sai Chau between dawn and dusk, followed
by prize-giving and a barbecue at the Victoria Recreation Club in
Emerald Bay. November offers some crisp, fresh conditions and last
year we blasted round the course in a stiff 20-knot breeze for one of
the best day’s sailing you could have ever imagined.
Boats can make as many attempts at the challenge as they
want, allowing fast boats to use it to hone their crew skills and
slower boats the opportunity to race in close quarters with
faster boats. You can make the day as challenging or as relaxing
as you like. The course offers some great tacking up the narrow
passage by High Island Reservoir, plus some fast reaches and
fetches on the other legs.
Prizes a