Hebe Jebes 2015 Issue NOV/DEC | Page 28

SLAM SAILING CENTRE SLAM SAILING CENTRE 八月底,Sean、Pasu和我到日本一個沿海小城市宮古市參加 帆船賽。我們先飛往關西機場,再轉往仙台,遊艇會的人員在 那兒迎接我們。他們帶我們遊覽仙台,也讓我們看了一套有關 東北大地震的影片。那套影片很富戲劇性,詳盡地展現了地震 的情況。而當我們得知導遊的媽媽因海嘯時房子被沖走而遇難 的時候,我們都感到很難過。 The International Friendship All Japan Junior Yacht Club Regatta 2015 国際交流日本ジュニアヨットクラブ競技会2015 Words Pei Yip 隨後,我們匯合澳洲隊,一同乘坐五小時的巴士從仙台前往宮 古,稍作休息後吃晚餐,然後好好睡了一覺為周末展開的賽事 做好準備。 翌日我們享用了一頓很棒的日式早餐後,便坐巴士到遊艇會領 取租來的船隻,架好風帆等待風的到來。可惜數小時過去,還 是沒有風,而我們能做的事情就只有吃和聊天。最後終於有風 了,我們進行了兩場試賽,我的表現很糟,只得第14名和第19 名。後來我們吃了一頓美味燒烤晚餐,還吃了很多帶子。隨後 的開幕禮還有盛大的煙火表演,幾乎所有人的衣服都沾染了煙 火味道。 第二天,賽事正式展開。幸運地,我在首三場賽事取得了兩個 第3名和一個第5名。揚帆了一整天之後,我們返回酒店吃飯、 聊天和結識新朋友。在賽事的最後一天,我們都以為不可能出 海,因為風向每20分鐘作一次360度轉變,而且幾乎沒有風。 當風平靜下來以後,我們都衝出去比賽了幾場,然後回來。只 要我在最後一場賽事能取得第6名或第7名,我就可以取得總成 績第3名。可惜我只取得第8名,結果總成績排第四,但這卻是 一個很好的經驗,何況我們都度過了快樂的時光。我也認識了 來自新西蘭、澳洲和日本的朋友。我們甚至學會了保持西瓜冰 凍的方法,那就是用繩子綁着西瓜放進海裡(我們認為這是很 有趣也很聰明的方法) ! At the end of August, Sean, Pasu and I went to this regatta in Miyako city, a small fragrant seaside town. We flew firstly to Kansai Airport, then to Sendai where people from the yacht club came to greet us. They showed us around Sendai, including a video with the devastating effects of the Tōhoku earthquake. The video was very dramatic showing a lot of detail. We were saddened when we learnt that our guide’s mother had passed away as the tsunami had ripped her house apart. We then met up with the Aussie team and took the five-hour bus journey from Sendai to Miyako and chilled out, ate dinner and got some sleep in preparation for the long weekend ahead of us. The next day we had a wonderful Japanese-style breakfast and took the bus to the yacht club where we got our chartered boats, rigged our sails and waited for the wind to pick up. Unfortunately the wind did not pick up for a couple of hours so the only thing we could do was chat and eat. At last the wind arrived and we had two trial races in which I did quite badly, getting 14th and 19th. At least after that we had an awesome barbecue dinner with scallops followed by a massive fireworks opening ceremony. Everyone’s clothes smelt after absorbing smoke from the many firecrackers. 26 HEBE JEBES • NOV/DEC 2015 The next day, racing began and luckily for me, I got two third places and a 5th in the first three races. After the day of sailing, we ate at the hotel, chatted and made new friends. On the final day, we thought we wouldn’t be able to go out sailing because the wind just kept making a 360˚ shift every 20 minutes and there wasn’t much wind anyway. When the wind settled down, we rushed out and sailed a few races and then came back in. I could have been 3rd overall if I had managed 7th or 6th in the last race, but unfortunately I was 8th so I was 4th overall. It was a good experience and we had a great time. I also made friends with people from New Zealand and Australia as well as Japan. We also learnt a new method of keeping watermelons cold which was tying a rope around them and then leaving them in the sea (we thought it was funny and smart). 行程的最後一天,當我們得知我們的導遊(巴士司機)曾經是 日本全國帆船冠軍的時候,我們都驚訝不已。我們在仙台機場 準備登機時遇上了地震,初時有點驚慌,但看到當地人仍如常 工作,彷彿沒事發生一樣時,我們便放鬆了下來。這確是一次 很棒的帆船賽,翌日我們又要為青島的賽事做準備了。 We were really surprised on the last day when we found out that our guide/bus driver used to be a Japanese national dinghy champion. When we were at Sendai Airport, we felt an earthquake just before we boarded––a bit scary for us yet we relaxed after seeing the locals carrying on with their usual tasks as if nothing had happened. A great regatta and the next day we started getting ready for a regatta in Qingdao. 27